Alone time

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There are people that feel like they always need to be with someone and there are other people who like to have time to them self.

I am one of those people. I can't spend to much time with other people especially groups of people. I start acting like someone I'm not and feeling bad about myself. When I spend too much time with others I begin comparing myself to them and become disappointed with what I have or don't have. When these things happen I usually try to take a step back and recoup but for the past four months I haven't had a chance to step back. I've just pushed these feelings away as best I could but now they are coming back. I know this isn't healthy so I'm trying to sort them out but things keep coming up. I need time to myself. I need to go on long walks, sleep in my own bed, wear my own clothes, hear my own thoughts. I need time to myself so I can figure who I am and who I plan to be. I want to start running again, and to stop smoking, I want to take baths more and drink tea, I want to go to more concerts and make new friend. I want to try painting again and write more. I want wear clothes I like and not wear makeup unless I want to and only shave my legs when I feel the need. I want to change and not be this person anymore I have strayed away from the person I used to be and now I have to fight to get back and boy do I want to go back. I used to love who I was and I wish I never stopped being that person.

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