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I forgot my ipod today. It was terrible, I felt anxious all day like I wasn't wearing a shirt and I was just waiting for someone to notice. For everyone to begin to laugh and point. Without my headphones the sounds of fake laughter and masked pain filled my ears. No one is happy in high school, it's a waist land of misunderstood misfits and self conscious teens.I think that's why everyone is so spiteful, they can't make them selves feel better so they make people feel worse.The sound of so many voices meshing together made my heat rate speed up and my palms sweaty. Somehow I also forgot that teenagers can smell fear so when my nervousness became more apparent they all crowded in closer and talked louder. I could hear them all cackle as my toes got squashed and my lip quivered from the mix of pain and fear. I hatted today. I hate my school and the people in it.

I forgot my headphones today and it sucked. If high school is the "best time of my life" then I'm royally fucked.

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