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Lovino and his brother Feliciano stood beside each other, behind the legs of a man they barely knew. He had taken them from their home, "for the better," he said. They didn't believe him. They had to leave their Nonno, who they had grown up with ever since their parents had perished in different ways. Their mother died having his 3rd brother Marcello (who was stillborn), and their father was in an accident. Lovino remembered his mother just a little bit. She was kind and headstrong for a single mother. Sassy and bright, she was a great wife and person in general.

Lovino always wanted to be like her, and be proud to say he was her son.

The only source of love after that they had ever felt was from their grandfather, Romulus Vargas. He was a big flirt, even at his age. Which was old. That wasn't to say he couldn't fend for himself; for he lived in Rome, Italy, and was a young man who lived in the great Roman Empire before it dissolved and became the large city it was now. He was once a warrior and told stories of his travels often. They happened to change slightly every time, but they didn't care.

One morning they woke up, and found no Nonno in his chair, or up making breakfast. They were greeted with a cold body in their grandfather's bed, and they had to come to terms with their father figure's death.

Per his apparent will, his grandsons were to go to a far off kingdom until they were older to know the real secret behind their lives. Clad in little maid dresses, they were both sent to a new home, which happened to be in Spain.

Shortly after they had gotten there, Feli was sent to the Austrian-Hungarian kingdom to work there. His counterpart's little world was crushed, and from then on he was constantly trying to keep people away from him, just so he didn't have to feel what he felt when his brother went away. He thought maybe if he was mean enough they would send him away to Feli. It didn't work of course. They had offered, but the king and queen already were attached. Queen Isabella would have been upset anyways if her little henchman would leave her.

Meeting the prince was even worse. "You're my underling now! You do as I say because I'm a prince!" was the first thing he said when they had met. He just glared and said nothing. Afonso, the prince's brother, said nothing like always. Though, he defined his personality by the mischievous tricks he pulled on his father. He didn't like the idea of being a servant, so for years, he decided to be lazy and not listen to him. When he was a boy and mistaken for a girl for wearing dresses, the queen took to him as another son. They grew exceedingly close over the years, and he liked her enough to listen to her.

That was only the start of a long story; one that started with a simple will. Princes turned into kings, and there was a whole new meaning of pain Lovino would experience in time, all because of that stupid kingdom and tomato loving prince.

But he was taught this; his master's wishes were more important than anything else.

His Master's WishesWhere stories live. Discover now