A Test To See If You Pass.

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*(Y/N) POV*

Well, I thought the ninja could behave themselves, but it appears that I was wrong. They have made messes in the dining hall with food fights, the ball room had burn marks, and the poll seems to have been replaced with fresh water, and has fish inside it. My manor is ruined!

"Kia pass the ball here!" Cole yelled from the ball room.

(Y/N) ran into the dining hall, and saw they were all passing a football around. Kia had the ball, and there it to cold, but it was a log shot, so Cole crashed into the wall, and broke the pillar.

"Are you alright my lady?" Alexander looked at his master, and saw that she was tired, and looked quite stressed.

"It's my home, it looks ruined." She swear dropped.

"Will you be alright?" Alexander placed a hand on her shoulder.

"I will be fine Alexander. We just need to finally see how long it takes for one of them to finally notice I was being used." She stood straight up, and wiped the sweat off her face.

"Are you sure my lady?" Alexander asked.

"It's a test to see how well they pay attention to when they have power. I can sense Sensei Wu had taught them, one of my mothers old friends." I sat down in a chair, that want broken.

"Jay pass the ball here!" Zane yelled.

"Okay! Go long!" Jay threw the ball, but because of his powers, he had the ball get stuck in the wall.

"Alexander, please stop them." (Y/N) couldn't take them doing this anymore.

"As you wish." Alexander pushed a gust of wind toward the ninja before Zane could pass the ball to Lloyd. The ninja hit the wall, which just made it crack more, and they slid down the wall and landed on the floor, head first.

"Please refrain from causing anymore damage to this manor, if you do, this place will crumble, and you will be held responsible for any damage done to the manor." Alexander said calmly, and smirked with his eyes closed.

"But you guys said hat we could do whatever we wanted!" Jay complained.

"Yes, we did say that, but we didn't mean destroy my home." I said.

"Oh." Jay said.

"Sorry." The ninja said in at the same time.

"It's alright, we shall have out house maids clean this up." Alexander clapped his hands, and some of the house maids had appeared, and started cleaning.

*3rd person POV*

"What should we do?" Kia asked the group.

"Why don't we go outside?" Zane suggested.

"I don't know." Lloyd said. "Don't you find it strange that (Y/N) had let us have, and do mostly whatever we wanted?"

"Doesn't seem strange to me." Close said. "Now let's play football outside!"

All the ninja had went outside, but Lloyd had stayed behind.

"Lloyd, you coming?" Zane stuck his head out from behind the door leading to the large field that they owned.

"No thanks, I think I want to talk to Sensei." Lloyd said, heading to the meditation room.

"Okay, your loss." Jay went outside and played with the rest of the ninja.

Lloyd went to the meditation room in the 3rd floor, and saw Sensei drinking a cup of tea, with Nya in another room talking with another water elemental master.

"Sensei, can I talk to you?" Lloyd asked.

"Sure, Nya, Katlyn, can you please leave me and my young boy alone to talk?"

Nya and Katlyn left he ro to go practice on the 15th floor, where there were some other places to train her.

*Lloyds POV*

"What is the matter my young student?" Sensei asked me.

"Uncle, is there a reason that (Y/N) is letting us have everything? I fell like we're using her." I confessed, it just didn't feel right.

"Why do you feel like it's bad?" My uncle asked me.

"Because babe hasn't complained about anything that we have done, and gets us bout anything we wanted, and she never objects, I think we might be using her." I looked at him straight in the eye.

"Nice job Lloyd." Uncle said to me.

"What?" I was so confused. What was he talking about.

"She didn't want me to tell any of you till you figured it out, but she was testing you." Uncle Wu still didn't make any sense.

"But why?" Why would she do that?

"Because she wants to see if you are worthy." He explained.

"Worthy of what?" I was curious.

"Something for another time." Sensei had stood up, and got some tea.

"But." I tried to say.

"Butts are for sitting on." He went with his old joke again.

I left the room, and went to go talk to (Y/N) about what she was doing.

*Little time skip to when Lloyd finds the young master.*

I found (Y/N) on the roof, watching the ninja in the pool, having fun with some of the butlers and maids playing with them.

"(Y/N), why are you doing this?" I asked, wanting some answers.

"What do you mean?" She asked me.

"Tell me why you are testing us." I was starting to get frustrated, she avoiding the question.

"What test?" She asked, still looking at the pool.

"Sensei told me." I said, walking closer to her. "And why?"

"Because if you all are worthy of what I have in mind, you will be able to unlock more power than you could, all the butlers and maids have passed, and so have I." She said, and finally looked at me.

"How long have you kept this a secret?" I asked.

"For about 2 days." She said.

"How long has this secret been kept?" I was super curious.

"Ever since my father died." She looked out into the open.

"Shall we tell everyone this year you did?" I started to think it was about time  the other ninja should know about everything.

"Yes, best we do, she left the roof, and I followed.

*Time skip to when they tell the ninja*

"Are you telling me every bring we were doing was a test!?!?" The ninja yelled.

"Yep, and none of you noticed. I expected more from you five (counting Nya), even though Lloyd was the one who noticed first, so I will have Alexander train you tomorrow." (Y/N) sipped some tea.

"Should we be scared?" Jay asked, looking at Alexander, who had an evil smirk on his face.

"Why don't we start right now?" Alexander lunged at them, and all of them screamed.


"Ha ha ha ha!" Lloyd laughed, watching Alexander chase the five ninja around.

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