Chapter 27: A Kiss and A New Promise {Final}

Start from the beginning

Natsu turned back to Lucy worriedly.

"Don't look at me like that, Natsu."  Lucy replied, scolding him.  "I'll be fine!"

"I can use a little of my healing powers, too!"  Wendy exclaimed, determined.

"Is that alright, Wendy?"  Lucy asked.

Wendy nodded happily.


The next morning, Lucy really was fine, and she said the ointment would sustain her enough until they got home.  They got there soon, too; it was pretty hectic when everyone saw what happened to them.  When they were re-checked for any serious injuries, Makarov had asked for Erza to tell the story, which she did.

Lucy was almost squished to death by Levy, yet she didn't mind.

It was good to be home.

It had been a few days, but it had seemed like months.  Virel was gone, and the problem was over.  Although Zeref was still out there, Lucy took her mind away from it, focusing on being happy that everyone was alive, and that they were safe.  As a typical time in the Fairy Tail guild, everyone celebrated their friends' return, and Lucy found herself extremely happy during this time.

She later, however, found herself thinking about Astarot, and how he was doing.


Before she knew it, it was extremely late and Lucy wanted to get some sleep.  The only time she had slept was the night before, and she needed the sleep to help heal her injuries.  So, saying goodbye to everyone, Lucy left the guild and then out into the quiet city, heading for home.

However, when she got halfway down the block, she heard a voice calling for her.

"Oi, Lucy!  Wait up!"

Lucy jerked to a stop, turning to face Natsu with panic.  He jogged towards her, and she made a face.

"Be quiet!"  Lucy exclaimed, annoyed.  "You'll wake everyone in the town!"  She looked behind Natsu.  "Where's Happy at?"

Natsu rubbed the back of his head, blushing slightly as he laughed childishly.  "He decided to just go home."

Lucy shaked her head, but she was amused.  "I suppose your following me?"


Letting out a breath of laughter, Lucy turned and started walking again.  "Alright."


When they arrived at Lucy's house, she was practically sleeping on her feet.  She didn't realize how tired she was until now, practically yawning her head off.

When they entered, Lucy set her stuff down and went into the bathroom, not bothering to pay attention to Natsu; she was too tired.  Changing, Lucy walked back into the room and then into the kitchen, grabbing two glasses.  Filling them both up with water, Lucy walked back over to her bed and sat next to Natsu, setting his cup on the table in front of them.

"Eh?"  Natsu replied, seeing it sitting there.

Lucy smiled slightly.  "I wanted one, so I got one just in case you wanted some to."

Natsu looked at Lucy and then back to the glass, but then back to Lucy and smiled.  "Thanks, Luce."  Taking his, Natsu took a big sip of the water.

Lucy blushed slightly, and stared at her glass, trying to distract herself.  "No problem..."  She muttered.

Setting his now empty glass down on the table, Natsu turned to look at Lucy with a mischevious glint in his eyes, which creeped her out.

"What are you looking at me like that for?"  Lucy asked, shying away from him.

His faced turned to one of hilarity, and he pulled out Lucy's work-in-progress.  "Oi, Lucy; can I read this?"

"Hey!"  Lucy exclaimed, snatching it out of his hands and standing up.  "How many times do I have to tell you to stay out of my things?"

Natsu shrugged, causing Lucy to sigh.  "I swear..."

Natsu suddenly stood, turning to face her.  "Oi, I was just curious!"

Lucy shook her head.  "You'll never learn, will you...?"

Setting her papers back onto her desk, Lucy turned to walk back over, but realized Natsu was right behind her.

"Natsu, what the heck are you doing?"  Lucy asked, annoyed yet curious at the same time.  Lucy wasn't able to see his expression, but his face had gone pink.  

"Can I kiss you, Lucy?"

Lucy's face turned scarlet at the sudden question.  "W-What?"

"I feel like I have to ask."

Lucy sighed, turning to face him.  " don't have to ask."

Natsu grinned, and held onto her hand as he leaned in, kissing her softly.  When they pulled away, Lucy looked the other way, embarrassed.

"Let's make a new promise, Lucy!"  Natsu suddenly exclaimed, surprising her.

"Eh?"  Lucy replied, confused.

Natsu grinned at her, the moonlight shining on his face.  "I promise to protect you forever, if you promise to always be with me."

Lucy looked at Natsu in shock, surprised at his outburst.  But as the words registered, Lucy smiled, blushing slightly.

"Sure."  Lucy replied, amused.  "I promise to stay."

Natsu laughed childishly.  "Ah!  I promise to protect you then!"

When Lucy climbed in bed, she wasn't able to stop Natsu from taking it over, which she secretly didn't mind very much.  When she closed her eyes, she felt Natsu wrap his arms around her body, and she tensed for a second.  However, she soon relaxed, and pressed her back up against his chest.

"Remember our promise, Natsu..."  Lucy murmured, half asleep already.

Natsu grinned.  "I'm not the one who needs to remember.  I take them seriously, remember?"

Lucy nodded slightly, already drifting of into sleep.

After a moment of silence, Natsu spoke.  "I love you, Lucy."

Lucy was slightly surprised at first, but with closed-eyes smiled happily.

I love you too, Lucy wanted to say, but she drifted of to sleep before she could.

However, she didn't worry.

Natsu knew she felt the same way.





T h e  E n d ;

Thank you all for reading...

--яy-cнαη ღ

Fairy Tail: Nightmares and Feelings ❖ (A NaLu Fan Fiction) {Sequel to I.W.A.F!!}Where stories live. Discover now