Chapter 9-that was close

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I have really long fake nails on and it's hard to write so if there's any mistakes just ignore them cxxx

Andys PoV
Help me please I try mind linking Jack for maybe the 12th time but I can't because the man that kidnapped me has left me in a room week with an iv in my arms and legs pumping wolfes bane into my veins. I've been here for just over a week I think and I can't can't stand it constantly being beaten and I know there r other people here because in a while u here screaming and crying from girls and groans and threats telling the people to stay away from her coming from her brother or mate. The door slams open and I wait for my daily beating but it doesn't come I weakly look up to see a different man staring at me smirking.confused I try to ask what but then the look of lust crosses his face. Noooooooo no no no no this can't be happening

He stares at me and licks his grubby lips I start to struggle against the needles but it just causes me more pain he walkes up to me slowly unbuttoning his jeans he slides them of aswell as mine I look At him pleadingly as to stay please don't do this he just chuckle Les and takes of my top so I'm sat down helplessly when all of a sudden I'm hit with a surge of power and he is across the room wide eyed I stand ripping out the needles in the process he is just sat there in shock I look down and notice that one I'm on fire but it doesn't hurt two I have a really badass Outfit on

He stares at me and licks his grubby lips I start to struggle against the needles but it just causes me more pain he walkes up to me slowly unbuttoning his jeans he slides them of aswell as mine I look At him pleadingly as to stay please don't do ...

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I crept up to him and slowly raised my hand to his chest fire shot out burning through his skin.once I saw his eyes close I ran out the room grabbing his keys on the way.
Sorry it's not edited or anything it's just a draft from a while ago but I hope u liked it

Peyton xxx🦁❤️

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