Meet the Crew

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Coughing is heard backstage; a crackling track of eerie-sounding musics begins to play. A golden tabby stumbles onto the stage, eyes widening when faced with the large crowd in front of her.

"Uh, hello reporters! I am Lionshine, the lead pilot and captain of this ship!" the tabby called, puffing out her white-furred chest.

The clicks of cameras are audible. She scoots to the side and gestures off-stage as if waiting for someone. Almost reluctantly, a brown-and-white tom walks onto stage.

"I am Alderwood, the-uh," the tom paused, looking at Lionshine for help.

"He's my brother," the golden tabby meowed, as if that explained it.

A murmur of consent sweeps through the crowd; Alderwood's position seems to be legitimate. He takes his place next to his sister, waiting for the next cat to appear from the side-stage.

A gray tom bounces onto the stage with a broad grin.

"Bonjour, amis, je suis Pebblepounce!" the tom shouted, causing a wave of confusion among the crowd. For a second he looked dazed, but Pebblepounce quickly recovered. "Sorry, I speak every language on the planet, so sometimes I mess them up! Anyways, I'm the ship's translator! Yay!"

Pebblepounce skips over to Alderwood and sits next to the tom, leaning over and whispering into the brown-and-white warrior. A white tom pads from the side of the stage.

"H-hi," he muttered nervously. "My name is Greenface. I'm the ship engineer, but I was forced to be here after I scored perfectly on the KGIS entrance exam." His meow broke into a wail. "I just wanted to help build the space ship!" The tom burst into a fit of sobbing.

Lionshine rushes over to comfort him; a black she-cat takes the opportunity to leap onto the stage.

"I'm Shadepelt, the runner-up to Greenbutt's score," she snarled. "But apparently being one point beneath his score wasn't good enough to be an engineer at KGIS, so now I work at a gas station!"

A pair of security guards rush up to the stage and escort the she-cat off the stage.

Lionshine left Greenface's side and stood bravely at the center of the stage, her amber eyes blazing. "We are launching in about three sunrises, so be sure to watch us on KGIS's live station-Cats of Science!" The crew tromped offstage.

This chapter was brought to you by the great powerful and amazing Rio! We really hope you enjoy this book, and watch out for the next update!
⌁ Rio

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