37 || Groupchat

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hail ❄️:
Seb I don't give a fuck if you're reading this or not but you need to see this.

emily bubbles 🐬:
What's up, hails?

hail ❄️:
That's Melissa and Ronnie last month, okay?

hail ❄️:That's Melissa and Ronnie last month, okay?

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chris 🤓:

hail ❄️:
This is Seb and her this passed weekend

chris 🤓:Let's not make any rash decisions now How do you know it's him?

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chris 🤓:
Let's not make any rash decisions now
How do you know it's him?

It could be anyone from the back

hail ❄️:

Mack-attack: Oh shit

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Oh shit

Guys this is blowing up on Perez Hilton and TMZ

chris 🤓:
Look, you're angry Hailie
Don't do something you'll regret

emily bubbles 🐬:
Sit tight
Chris and I are on our way

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