"Oh come on I thought you two were besties now," she jokes and makes herself comfortable in one of the guest chairs.

"Oh yeah," Olivia scoffs. "We hang out regularly. I was thinking of inviting her out for drinks sometimes soon."

With the tension somewhat lightened, Pippa takes advantage. "Speaking of, I could certainly go for some drinks sometime soon. What do you say?"

Olivia stops in her tracks and quickly clears her throat. "Umm yeah I guess. If you are ok with that?"

Pippa chuckles uncomfortably and straightens in her seat. "Of course I am. Just so you know Elliot was very honest with me about how he felt and I can't say that I was all that surprised. I told you about my suspicions about his former partner and," she waves her hand towards her. "Turns out I was right."

Olivia runs her hands through her hair, her bottom lip pulling into her mouth. "I want you to know that nothing happened while the two of you were..."

"I know," she holds up her hand to stop her. "I know nothing really happened but you know we were really early on into everything."

Olivia nods her understanding but Pippa continues on still wanting to clear the air completely. "Look either way there's no hard feelings. You and I were cool before all of this and I just hope it doesn't stop us from hanging out or anything."

Her head shifts back in shock at Pippa's words and she tucks her hair behind her ear. "Wow. Well I hope so too. Really I-," she huffs clearly frustrated at not being able to find her words. Olivia is usually pretty kept together so it humbles her to see her taken off guard when it comes to discussing the man they have in common. "I know it's a weird situation but I appreciate the way you are being about all of this. A lesser person would've been a bit more-"


Olivia chuckles. "Yeah for lack of a better word."

Leaning in just a bit, she drops her voice just a bit realizing she is about to tread on thin ice. "I know that I haven't known him long but I think we both care about what's best for him. I think that despite your circumstances that you are what's best for him."

Yeah. She didn't even bother being subtle and the flabbergasted expression on Olivia's face shows that. "My circumstances?"

"Well yeah you know with you seeing someone," Pippa answers making sure not to reveal that she knows it's Ed. However, she has a feeling that Olivia knows that she's aware.

Olivia cracks her knuckles as her hands clasp. The atmosphere changes and although she doesn't regret bringing it all up she just hopes that she hasn't crossed the line so much so that she's done more harm than good. "Just so you know those circumstances aren't really the issue," Olivia declares carefully. "Elliot and I have a lot of history to work through and we are trying. It's just going to take some time."

"I can understand that," Pippa retorts. "It's been awhile but just so you know. He cares a lot about you and-"

Two quick knocks on her open office door halt their conversation. "Well I hope I'm not interrupting," the familiar voice fills the room.

Her and Olivia exchange strained glances before plastering on fake smiles. "Of course not come on in."

Of all people to enter her office right now it would be Chief Dodds. As if trying her best to maneuver through a conversation that could be described as nothing less than uncomfortable and awkward wasn't bad enough she was now face to face with Chief Dodds. When does he retire again? She has grown to like and respect his son over the time that he has started working for her but as for his father there is no nice way to put it. He gets on her nerves.

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