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I'm sitting on the white, cushioned chair at my vanity table staring back at my tired, makeup less reflection. Today is the first day at my new school and the nerves and the excitement bubble around in my stomach. I decide it will probably be best if I put some effort into my appearance, even if I do want to keep a low profile. That and the thought of not wearing makeup on my face actually sickens me. Okay, slight exaggeration but you get me. I do a natural makeup look, completing it with a nude, pink lipstick that makes my naturally plump lips appear bigger. After that I run a brush through my long, blonde hair and then leave it to fall naturally feeling too tired and lazy to even bother styling it. With I sigh I get dressed and gulp down the remains of my coffee. After grabbing my backpack and slinging it around my shoulder, I join my Auntie Emily downstairs whose waiting nervously at the front door for me to appear.

My Auntie Emily is a beautiful woman despite the fact that she is in her late forties. She was still in her pajamas but I could still see her amazing curves. Her chestnut hair naturally falls into a loose curl which is completely different to my straight, blonde hair. Our only similarity are our eyes which are a light, icy blue. Emily works as one of the head doctors in the local hospital, she does a lot of operations and works heavy hours a lot of the time as the hospital is short staffed. However, today she made sure that she didn't have to be in the hospital all day so that she could be there for me on my first day. This is why I love her so much, she makes sure I'm happy and she puts my feelings before her own, unlike my mother who only cares for herself.

Before I left, Auntie Emily gave me the a tight hug and offered me plenty of words of encouragement telling me that everything is going to be okay and I have nothing to worry about. She also made sure that I knew that if I wanted to leave for any reason she'd only be a phone call away and be right outside my school in a heartbeat. I hugged her and assured her that I would be okay. I'm not scared of the school itself or the people inside, I'm not that bad at social interaction although I do have my moments. What I am scared of though is that Caine has somehow escaped prison and is waiting for me. While it's extremely unlikely I can't help but worry.

The new school was about a fifteen minute walk away from Auntie Emily's home, I guess it's mine too now. The school looked exactly the same as any other school, white walls, white floors and lockers placed down each wall.

I already knew where to go because I'd visited a few times during the summer to make sure this was the right place for me. The only thing that was new was the students, because it was summer none of them were there when I visited. Everyone was so beautiful, dressed in the latest trends and didn't have one hair out of place. I immediately felt out of place dressed in my black, skinny jeans and plain white t-shirt, I thought that it would make me blend in but if anything it's going to make me stand out more, great!

I wish I didn't have to blend in, I'd love to make friends here but I just can't risk one of Caine's friends finding out where I am and telling him.

I was given a schedule of my classes, a map and my locker combination on arrival. My locker was in the middle of a long hallway and as I was walking towards it I felt eyes on me. Luckily, not many people actually noticed me but the people who did still made me feel paranoid, was there a stain on my top of something? Oh my gosh, Thea don't trip over right now, I swear! Thankfully, I didn't and I made it to my locker without doing anything that would cause people to acknowledge my existence.

I already had the books I needed for all my classes which were weighing down my bag so I wanted to take some out and put them into my locker. Unfortunately, that dream was cut short when somebody slammed my locker door shut as soon as I opened it . I gasped in shock and quickly snapped my head in the direction of the hand that shut it. I gasp in shock because the person who just shut my locker is a bloody Calvin Klein model. NO! He's a prince. NO! He's a God!

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