You fell to your knees, bowing your head to the boy in front of you. "S-Sorry." You muttered out, as he took a knee, and lifted you back up by your armpits. He set you back down, and looked at the clock. He grabbed his stuff from next to you, and grabbed your arm with his open hand.

"Let's go." He said, grabbing toast he had started to make on the toaster. He handed the toast to you, as he pulled you out the house, as you apologized and said goodbye to his mom. He pulled you onto his back, in a piggyback ride like way, and launched both of you to school. Your bag swinging in the air, as you attempted to hold onto Katsuki, the toast, and your bag at the same time. As you landed, you let go of your bag, and shook your right hand in pain. The bag had hit it several times in the air, and your phone kept hitting your wrist.

"Owwww..." You muttered, as Katsuki put you down, grabbing a piece of toast from your hand, and beginning to walk. You grabbed your bag, and ran to catch up with him. "Wait up!" You screamed, realizing you guys got here to early. It was a change, but now you had nothing to do for an hour. "You made us leave an hour early!" You explained, as you finally caught up with him.

"Now you have time to eat breakfast, so you'd better do it. Fucking idiot." He said before mumbling something else. You walked to the classroom in complete silence, eating your toast, and finding your seats. Once you sat down, you finished your toast, your stomach happy to have something in it, and you stretched back. You looked at Katsuki, who was just eating the toast still, and took out your phone. You turned your back to him, as you raised your phone up, winking at the phone, and sticking your tongue out, as you took the selfie. The flash notified Katsuki of the photo, as he snapped his head to the camera, toast still in his mouth. After the photo was taken, he stared at you, as you laughed.

"This is going to be my background." You sang, going into your phone settings.

"WHAT THE HELL!? WHY??" He bellowed, trying to take your phone from you, as you laughed again, pushing him away with your left hand, the right still changing the background.

"Because you look to handsome for it to not!" You laughed, finishing changing it, as you showed him the photo. You were posing, and his eyes were huge, as he had the toast in his mouth.

"THAT FACE IS WHAT YOU THINK IS HANDSOME? WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU WOMAN!" He yelled, trying to snatch the phone again, causing you both to fall to the floor. You held your phone to your chest, as you slowly moved it over your face, taking another photo of his flustered face. "STOP DOING THAT!" He boomed from above you, causing you to laugh, and continue taking photos.

"But I can't help it! How else am I going to remember your face!" You joked, as he looked at you with anger and confusion.

"YOU LIVE ACROSS THE STREET FROM ME YOU IDIOT!" He spat at you, as you laughed again.

"Take a joke! Jeese. I just wanted a contact photo for you on my phone!" You smirked, as he pouted at you, and you took another photo, as he tried to steal your phone from you. "I MEAN, HOW ELSE WILL I KNOW IT IS YOU!" You laughed, as he continued to try and steal it, as he grabbed his phone from his pocket, and took a photo of you laughing. "HOY!" You yelled, as you tried to take his phone. Although you liked taking photos of him, you didn't like when people took them of you, due to the fact you weren't the most photogenic.

"BUT I JUST WANTED A CONTACT PHOTO FOR YOU ON MY PHONE! I MEAN, HOW ELSE WILL I KNOW IT IS YOU!" He copied, as he grabbed your phone from you, and deleted all of the photos but one, the selfie you took. He then went to messages, and typed in his number, as he sent it to himself. "THERE! YOU HAVE MY PHONE NUMBER! I WIN!" He yelled, shoving your phone in your face, and getting off of you. He went back to his desk, as he entered in your contact on his phone, adding a photo of you he just took. You were laughing, and your H/C hair framed your face perfectly, giving you a sort of glow. You loved it.

You pouted as you climbed back into your chair, and took a surprise photo of him, and made it his contact photo quickly. You sent him the surprise photo, as he turned to you, and you stuck your tongue out.


It was still 30 minutes before class, and some people had started to enter the room, surprised to see you and Katsuki bantering, while laughing at the same time. Izuku sat down, being early today, and began conversing with you. Katsuki looked on his phone, at the small amount of photos that he had of you during the encounter. You looked so joyful, as you were laughing during the photos.


Class went on as usual, until the class was notified that there would be a rescue drill-like class, or something like that. You were told to get your outfits on, and go on the bus, to get ready for the class.


After everyone had their outfits on and ready to go, you all walked to the bus, and found seats. Everyone was talking about something, until one of them said something about Katsuki, and how he was a hothead. He proceeded to yell at all of them, as they said he would never be popular. You couldn't help but smirk, looking out the window. You knew they had a point in a way, but they only saw the outside... He really did care about others, not only defeating them. You could tell.


After the bus arrived, you all got off, and walked into a huge dome like structure. Inside, there were 4 areas that were made for rescue drills. A fire like area, a water area, a storm area, and a city area. You looked at all of them in awe, since you had never seen anything like this. A Hero called 13 began explaining the place to everyone, as Aizawa nodded his head in the back.

You then heard a loud bang from the common area of all of the rescue simulation places. You raced forwards, confused on what the bang came from. Many followed after you. You saw a purple mist like thing that came out of nowhere, as a man with a hand over his face came out. His whole body was covered in hands, like mosquitos to still water, as many other bad looking people came out of the purple mist. They looked like- "VILLAINS!" You heard a classmate yell, as your eyes shrunk, and you clenched your fists in fury.

Authors notes

Heyo heyo! It is alexa, the author, updating for the third time in 24 hours (Yawns, cause I haven't slept, ughhhh), which is why this might be really bad quality, but I felt like writing, so I wrote, so here this is.

If you have any ideas for the story, please contact me by commenting or messaging me, so that I can include your ideas, or if you want to help write, please also contact me (any collabs are swag for me)

See all y'all later! Bai!

I'm Just Your Problem//Katsuki Bakugou X Reader (discontinued)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz