Battle of the Opposites

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Ever since I met Peter, he's been coming in my room to talk. He always comes at night, which is great since Erin's around during the day. I hope Erin doesn't find out.

Every time I meet him, something strange happens within me. I can't explain what it is, but it involves Peter in a way.

One morning, I was in a deep sleep. Dreaming something awful, terrible. The night of the attack. Fire burning, scorching my skin. Erin running towards safety, carrying me in his arms. But something in my memory was seen. Something I didn't see before.

The shadow of a boy my age. Hiding in the shadows of a building. The boy ran away after I only got a glimpse of him.

"Princess..." Said a voice. "Princess..." I slowly opened my eyes to reveal Erin waking me up. "Princess, are you okay?" He asked, sitting me up.

"Of course," I told him, confused. "Why wouldn't I be?"

"Well..." He said. Then a tear ran down my face, onto my hand, shocking me. "You were your sleep," He finished.

I quickly wiped my face with the back of my hands. "I'm okay," I told Erin. I got out of bed and he walked out the door, closing it from behind so I can change. Like always, I can expect Erin to be there, even if he's far off in the village or right behind the door.

"Did you have a bad dream?" He asked me, while sitting behind the door.

"Just of that night," I told him, as quietly as I could. "You know what I mean,"

We were both silent for a while. He knows what I mean when I mention 'that night'.


The night of the attack. It's that night that will scar both me and the princess for the rest of our lives. And she had a dream of it. And she woke up, crying due to that nightmare.

I rose my hand up to the ceiling and started mumbling a spell.

I'm too soft on her...


He gave me the comforting spell. Behind that door is a worried Erin. After I was done, I opened the door and found Erin sitting there.

I might have surprised him by opening the door suddenly. He was leaning on the door, but because I opened it, his head slid onto my feet. I didn't mind though. I knelt down and rustled his head. "Thanks," I told him.

"I didn't do anything," He told me calmly.

"Don't try to fool me," I said, smiling. "You're a nice little wizard,"

"As if," He said, scoffing. "I'm evil and cruel,"

I laughed. "Sure, keep thinking that," I told him. He sighed and got up. Then, he and I went downstairs for food.


I feel like a huge stalker. Coming into Marigold's room every night. I just can't help myself, I want to see her.

I touch the wall of the tower and sighed. I haven't seen another person besides Marigold in this tower. Maybe she lives alone? But what am I thinking, coming here in the middle of the day? Still...

I started climbing the wall.


"I'll be back soon," Erin said, opening the door.

I'll be alone again, he never takes me along... "Good luck," I told him, pouting a little.

He smirked. "Aww, will the princess be lonely?" He said, faking sympathy.

"Shut up! I told you not to read my mind!" I shouted, but he already closed the door behind him. Angrily, I stomped up the stairs to my room.

There, I found a surprise. He smiled at me. "Hi Marigold!"


I started walking down the sidewalk, laughing as I did. Her reactions are priceless. I'm surprised she didn't try throwing something at the door.

I looked back, and saw her balcony doors wide open. Should I go back and close it? There's a risk someone could climb in. Then again, I could just be imagining things.


"What are you doing here?" I asked, still feeling furious from Erin and his outrageous jokes. "It's dangerous during the day,"

"I-I just wanted to see you," Peter sadly said. "I'm sorry. Didn't you want to see me too?"

I sighed. "I'm sorry for yelling, it's not that I didn't want to see you. It's just that-,"

"Marigold," He said, suddenly catching my attention. His face was bright red. "I love you,"

My eyes grew wide. What just happened? He continued, "Ever since I met you, I've fallen in love with you. Being Rapunzel's descendant, I'm sure you feel the same way?"

"Oh, umm..." I started. He grabbed my hand and pulled me closer.

"Please go out with me," He asked, cheeks still rosy red with embarrassment.

Was this feeling I had for him love all along? But does he know I'm not only Rapunzel's descendant, but the princess of Zenel? For all I know, he could also be poor citizen.

"I- I don't know," I told him softly. "I feel something, but I don't know if it's love, I'm just not sure," I told him. We both stood there, quiet.

"Ok, then there's at least a chance that you might, just maybe, be in love with me?" He asked, a little look of hope on his face.

"Maybe," I replied.

He didn't seem to say any more. He put his arms on my shoulders and leaned in.

But before I could say anything else, the door to my room opened, revealing a shocked Erin. He immediately ran into the room, and yanked me away from Peter and onto himself. "Princess, what are you doing?!" He yelled at me furiously. "This man is the young prince of Tiza, the country we are at war with!"

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