The Tower in the Sky

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A beautiful day. Birds chirping, leaves rustling. In the forest, there is a tower. And in that tower, a princess by the name of Marigold was in warm covers, sleeping peacefully. Or so it should be.

"Princess Marigold," He said, loud enough to wake me up. "Wake up, Princess." I ignored him, stirred in bed and covered myself with the blanket, which only set him off. He yanked the sheets off the bed and yelled at me, "Get up lazy-bones!"

That was enough to tick me off.

I got off of bed and stood up. "Who are you calling lazy-bones?!" I yelled back at him. "I am your princess, you should be treating me with dignity and respect!"

"Huh?" He said, smirking that evil smile of his. "You? Surely a princess wouldn't drool in her sleep."

I flinched, and wiped at my mouth. This guy is too good at getting me angry. I yelled in frustration and pushed him out of my room.

"Get out!" I yelled.  "Leave me alone!"  He looked at me and chuckled, then willingly walked out of the room.

I'm Princess Marigold of a small village in the east. I have long blonde hair, bright blue eyes, and I'm sixteen years old. The guy from before was my family's wizard, Erin, who's of high rank in the castle. He's eighteen years old with black hair and eyes that look somewhat red. Weird, right? Maybe all wizards look like that.

When I was 4, our country was in a devastating war, and we were losing big time. The rivals burnt down the village where my home was, and in the midst of being lost, Erin found me, and we ran away to this tower. It's been nice so far, lots of nature, furniture. Everything would be nice...

....if it wasn't for Erin's sadistic personality.

He's been taking care of me all this time, ever since our village burned down. I gotta say, he's been doing a nice job. He does the chores, makes the expected of a servant! It's that attitude of his I hate. He's mature and helpful and all that, but he doesn't get along well with others, and has this 'mysterious and distant' aura around him. Plus the fact he's easily angered.

There's also this bad personality in teasing me. He never gives up a chance to make fun of me, despite how many times I've told him to quit it. I never liked that personality of his one bit...

"How rude," said a voice from behind the door, "You could at least try to have good thoughts of me."

"I'm just saying the truth," I told Erin as he opened the door to my room. "And you know what's rude? Using your little spells to read my thoughts. That's rude."

He smiled. "Breakfast will be ready in five minutes," he told me. Just as he was walking out and closing the door behind him, he said, "Don't eat like a pig today!"

He slammed the door shut before I could retaliate. I kicked the door after he closed it. That idiot...

I got dressed, made my bed, and came downstairs in time to see Erin finish up setting up the table. When I arrived, Erin was staring at me. "What?" I asked as I sat down, holding his gaze.

"Oh dear, a princess shouldn't behave like this," Erin said, fixing his glasses. "You must fix your hair properly, princess. The citizens might treat you poorly if you don't look like royalty."

This early in the morning and I'm already screaming in internal rage.

He smiled at me. "Allow me to fix it up for you?" He asked, pulling up a chair and gesturing me to it. He was giving me a fake smile saying 'I'm so nice and helpful and sweet and blah, blah, blah...'

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