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Cheerful laughter and clinking of glasses from the seemingly blissful celebration filled the grand ballroom of the mansion where people were gathered. It was a celebration of the engagement of two people so perfect together everyone had always been rooting for knowing they would end up together eventually. And they were almost there, nearing their so-called happy ending.

                She was supposed to be out there celebrating her own engagement in the most romantic place in the world but instead she’s peeking through the gap of an open door of her fiancé’s study room.

                He was reading tons of news clippings from all sorts of newspapers and an invitation to a wedding of the best friend of his bride-to-be.

                She knew exactly what her fiancé was reading. All those news clippings were all about one of the most eligible bachelor and son of a multinational conglomerate finally getting married to this unknown common girl who was deemed lucky to be getting married into riches.

                She knew who his fiancé was concerned about and it’s definitely the eligible bachelor who was also her childhood best friend. She wasn’t hung up on her best friend so there was no need for him to worry about the best friend angle.

                This was about the unknown girl. She could never understand how her fiancé just could not let go of his past. What is it with this unknown girl that he was so hung up on even if they were all ready to be married in a few days time? It had been so long ago but the way he looked at those photos in the newspaper made her realize he still wasn’t ready to let go just yet.

                That starry night at the top of the Eiffel Tower, he stood there on one bended knee asking her to marry him. She really thought and rejoiced that finally he had learnt to let go of his past and move on. But she was completely fooled by the sparkle of the diamond on the silver ring that the moon casted on.

                She gulped down what was left of her half empty glass of champagne and set it down on the marble center table with a clink, almost crashing the glass. She squeezed shut her eyes and tried to shake off her drunkenness away while taking a deep breath. She reached for the little black box and opened it. She felt her body swaying from all the champagne she had been drinking. She looked at the little thing go sparkle in it dark box. It reminded her of the stars in the dark, night sky when he proposed to her.

                Taking out a pen and a paper from her purse, she thought of the words she would write to her soon-to-be-ex-fiancé. She was already ditzy but she could still manage to come up with what she wanted to say.

She wrote:

                I’ve always wanted to believe I am your one true love and that I’d be the only reason you’d want to forget and let go of that horrible past but with everything that had happened recently, I know you’ll never be able to do so. I guess I was wrong… about the true love matter… I do not know what else to do. Maybe if I finally give up and let go of you, you’d also learn to let go of your burden. Thank you for at least trying to pretend you were also in love with me. Goodbye.

                She signed it with a sketch of grass which she knew he’d recognize instantly. She folded the piece of paper and set the little black box on top of it and left it on the center table near her fiancé’s study room where his secretary usually puts his unread mail.

                When she finally let go of the box, she decided to also let go of her fiancé but she was out for revenge. She was also going to make that unknown woman of her best friend suffer—exactly the way she was feeling. And there’s no place else to do it but home.

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