Chapter 19: Bad Feelings

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"Juvia are you okay?" Gajeel asked breaking the silence that had enveloped the two as Fairy Tail High came into view.

"Y-yeah I'm fine," Juvia replied shakily. "Um, I'm just a...little s-shocked about what happened," she continued as she rubbed her neck.

"Maybe we should go to the nurses office and get some ice or something," Gajeel suggested worry evident in his usually gruff voice.

"Yeah, but then the nurse is gonna ask what happened," Juvia murmured.

"Well, since I always get into fights I can just say I got hurt and get you an ice pack," Gajeel said as a matter of fact.

"If its fine with you..." Juvia responded staring at her feet as they walked closer to the school.

"Alright, I'll be right back," he said as he turned and ran ahead to the entrance. Then he turned and ran back. "On second thought, you're coming with me," Gajeel demanded as he grabbed her wrist and started to walk to the nurses office with her in tow.

Once Gajeel had finally managed to convince the nurse, Porlyusica that he had been careless and was involved in an accident she gave him the ice pack. Once it was in his possession he ran outside the office where Juvia was located. When he turned the corner he stopped short.

The air suddenly smelt very... shrimpy.

Gajeel's red eyes narrowed. Why in the world was his tutor talking to his sister?

"Oi! Juvia!" Gajeel yelled startled both the blunettes.

"Oh my gosh Gajeel! What happened to her?!" Levy whisper shrieked as he approached her.

"Nothing..." he grumbled pushing pass her.

"Its obviously not nothing!" She yelled. "Her face is bruised!" Levy pointed out.

"I know that! Do I look blind to you?" Gajeel snarled as he handed Juvia the ice pack.

"Levy," Juvia mumbled. "I already told you that I had fallen and hit the side of a table at our house."

"Yeah, but your neck!" Levy continued to yell. 

Quickly Juvia covered her neck with the ice pack. Hopefully Levy didn't see that the bruises on her neck were shaped in the form of hands.

"I-I was rubbing my neck a little to h-hard," she lied. "W-with a scarf."

"But the bruises are so..." Levy trailed off once she looked at Gajeel who was staring at Juvia's neck. Sighing Levy continued. "Fine. Gajeel I expect to see you after school today."

"Yes mom," Gajeel mocked. "Why are you here so early anyways?" Gajeel demanded raising an eyebrow.

"Oh, I had to go to the library and get some textbooks."

"Nerd," Gajeel scoffed. "Well, it was nice talking to you, but we gotta go," Gajeel declared as he grabbed his sisters arm and guided her towards the opposite direction of Levy.

For some reason each time he grabbed her arm she flinched or stiffened. Did he really remind her of their dad that much? 

"Gajeel?...Gajeel?...Gajeel!" Juvia yelled.

"Huh?" He asked as he was pulled out of his deep thought.

"C-could you not grip my arm so t-tightly," Juvia stated moving the ice pack to her face. "Y-you know...if you over think your head might explode?" Juvia teased as she began to laugh a little, but then started wheezing. Even laughing was painful for her.

"Are you okay Juvia?" Gajeel exclaimed as she began to start coughing.

"Yeah. I'm okay," she breathed as she shifted the ice pack back onto her neck.

"Here," Gajeel mumbled as he handed her water bottle to her.

"Thanks," she replied coughing as she took a sip. Suddenly the bell rang. "We should be getting to class," Juvia suggested. "Have the bruises kind of disappeared?" She asked hopefully.

"Uh, kind of?" Gajeel answered uncertainly. "Do you have any like make up or somethin?" 

"Maybe..." Juvia replied as the students of Fairy Tail High began to pour in. "Alright see you later Gajeel," she announced as she walked into the girls bathroom.

"Yeah," Gajeel acknowledged waving her away.


After what seemed like days of pain the last period of the day finally came. Sadly it was the period she hated the absolute most.

The class she had with Gray. Sure she had classes with him in other periods, but she didn't have to interact with him in those.

Surprisingly the whole day she hadn't been bother by him at all. During lunch she was peacefully left alone in the library to enjoy her books. All this gave her a bad feeling about what would happen when she finally saw him. He normally didn't leave her alone for this long

That bad feeling  was confirmed the minute she walked into Social Studies. By the knowing look Gray was giving her this class was not going to be as enjoyable as her time at lunch in the library.





A/N: Sorry for being so inactive, I went on vacation to somewhere with very little wifi. Sorry if there are grammar mistakes, I've been so tired lately....

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