Chapter 8: Home Sweet Home

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"Gajeel! Dinner is ready!" Juvia yelled as she began to wash a few dishes. Suddenly she heard a thump. I guess Gajeel was sleeping or something, Juvia thought to herself as she served up the dish she made. Tonight Juvia made some curry. Usually Juvia made dinner with whatever food they had in the fridge. Sometimes their father would leave some money for the two. When he remembered he had children. It was the only decently nice thing he ever did for them. Juvia would occasionally wonder if he even cared for their well being at all. "Hmm..." she sighed, deep in thought. Then she felt someone tapping on her head. 

"Neh, what you think'in about?" Gajeel grumbled as he leaned his arm on her head.

"Hey!" Juvia exclaimed as she swatted at his arm. "Here take your dinner!" She commanded as she thrust his bowl at him.

"Thanks," he yawned as he walked over to their kitchen table. Slowly he scooped up a spoonful stuffing it into his mouth. "Hm. This is tasty," he stated as he dug in some more.

"Gajeel!" Juvia yelled. "We didn't say grace!" She scolded as she proceeded to sit down across from him. 

"Fine," he grumbled in disappointment. "Say grace."

Quickly Juvia said a brief prayer, then she picked up her spoon and began to eat. 

"So," Gajeel began as he smirked at Juvia with a glint of mischief in his eyes. "How was your project?" He asked, genuinely interested, but not giving up a chance to tease his sister.

" was okay. I suppose," Juvia replied as she began to nervously stir her curry with her spoon.

"What happened?" Gajeel pestered, oblivious to the change of tone in the room.

"Um..." Juvia stalled as she pulled at her sleeves.

"Never mind," Gajeel said waving her off. "I don't wanna know if you made out with anyone," he finished bluntly.

"Huh?!" Juvia shrieked in shock. "We did no such thing! What! N-no!" Juvia spluttered in utter shock and embarrassment.

"Well, your face is turning red so," he shrugged before continuing. "I don't know. Should I really trust that you didn't do anything?" He smirked suggestively. 

"Gajeel!" Juvia yelled as she grabbed the closest thing to her; which just happened to be a spoon, and began to chase her obnoxious brother around the house. Since having a spoon in hand and chasing someone was not exactly 'terrifying' Gajeel just laughed the entire time she was chasing him. Just when Juvia was about to jump on Gajeel she fell and tripped using her arm to cushion the fall. Big mistake. 

"Agh!" She groaned in pain.

"Ahhh," Gajeel snickered as he stood above her.

"Very funny Gajeel," she grumbled as she sat up and glared at him while clutching her arm.

"Hey, are you alright? I know that you hurt your arm today since you had bandages and all."

"I'm fine," Juvia responded quickly. 

"Okay!" Gajeel replied raising his hands as if to surrender.

"I'm just gonna go and clean up. Then I'll go to bed. So, uh goodnight," Juvia said as she walked to the kitchen.

"Tsk. Goodnight," Gajeel replied before he too turned and walked away to his bedroom.

"Yeah," Juvia sighed as she rolled up her sleeves. Then she began to wash the dishes. After some scrubbing she finished washing the plates. Now she had to wash the huge metal pot. "Ugh," she sighed in annoyance. Quickly Juvia hauled the pot over to wash it. When about fifteen minutes had passed she had finally finished washing away all the curry on the pot. "Finally," she sighed. Then the doorbell rang. 

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