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Some say it's fate, some say otherwise. In my humble opinion it was fate. Always had been, always will be.

I had gone to a strict Christian private school my entire life, I even had a roommate named Balta she is snarky British girl prone to sarcasm. It was nice I guess, I didn't have many friends, so when it was brought to my attention that I was moving to a public high-school the next year, I was ecstatic.

"You're really going to a public school? Cassidy, you're naive by our standards, I mean, you didn't know what sex was until this year..." Balta said, her head dangling off the bed, her long dirty blonde hair hitting the floor.

"I don't have a choice in the matter." I shrug scooping clothes up from the drawers to put in my bag. I was the last day of school and everyone was packing up, well except Balta who never really unpacked in the first place.

The day was done. It was my last day at that old school. Good riddance. I got into my mom's car, with my older brother Andrew sitting grumpily in the front seat and my older sister, Gabby sitting beside me arms crossed in defiance. I guess my siblings didn't share my mind set. Oh well, how bad could it be?

A/N: Sorry this was so short! I promise the other chapters will be longer!!! Cassidy is going into freshman year by the way.

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