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Me watching TMR:

Me: Here come dat boi

Minho: [runs in from the Maze and passes Thomas]



That night, I kept trying to catch Teresa's eye. Was what she said real or just a trick from that stupid thing in my head? That question popped up in my mind aggressively every time she refused to meet my gaze for even a second.

I hung around Thomas when I could, but Flo had somehow been able to convince Teresa that keeping us around each other was a bad idea. Maybe she thought we would conspire a plan to break out of there while they were sleeping. In a way, Flo reminded me a lot of Gally in the sense that she never stopped being suspicious of me.

I was given my very own wad of blankets to use as a makeshift bed and pillow. The ground was hard and uncomfortable; every single stone seemed to dig into my spine. The girls wouldn't let me sleep near Thomas. Instead, I was placed all the way on the other side of the cave with about twenty of the sleeping girls between us. Needless to say, it was impossible for me to get to him without stepping on someone.

It was difficult to fall asleep, but when I finally did, I was met with a memory— this time of Teresa and I in school together when we were little. Then, as the years passed, she was in less and less of my classes as she became smarter and was needed in the labs more often. I found myself feeling more and more lonely with each passing day that I didn't hear from either her or Thomas.

My slumber was disturbed by a voice in my head. "Dylan. Dylan, wake up."

I opened my eyes to reveal Teresa's figure above me. She was barely visible in the darkness of the cave, but I could see concern and what looked like alarm on her face. A pinch hit my heart when I realized that she was back to normal. Her eyes were devoid of their hate and her features returned to their natural softness.

"Teresa?" I whispered in confusion, sitting up and placing my hands behind me for support. She put a finger over her lips; I was instantly reminded of how often she did that when she snuck me into the Box.

"You have to be quiet," she mumbled. "In fact, this is easier."

It took me a second to realize that the second sentence had come from inside of my head and that her lips hadn't moved. I focused on replying back, using the same technique as I did to speak to that robot.

"Why can you talk in my head now?" I asked.

"W.I.C.K.E.D allowed us to, but only for a little while," she answered. It was so weird to hear her voice but to watch her stare blankly at me without moving her mouth. "As soon as we don't need it anymore, it'll be severed. But listen carefully. You need to know that they made a mistake. You aren't supposed to be here. It might...tamper with the results they need. You'll be returned to your group as soon as possible. But hear me out, okay?"

I nodded. "Okay."

"You have to trust me. Trust that I know what I'm doing, even if things get really bad and I don't seem myself. I don't want to do this. I wish W.I.C.K.E.D would have picked someone else rather than me. I'll understand if you hate me after this. But just know that if I don't...they'll kill him." Her eyes brimmed with tears. "They'll kill Thomas."

I reached over and squeezed her hand lightly. "I trust you."

"Good. Now go back to sleep and pretend this never happened."

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