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I do not own The Maze Runner, but adding onto the previous disclaimer, my birthday just passed and I got both The Scorch Trials and The Maze Runner on DVD. I AM COMPLETE.


Seeing Teresa again brought mixed emotions to the surface of my mind. While I was happy she was alive, the sight of the spear in her hand and the stone-faced expression she wore made that joy flush down the drain until I was full of only shock. My eyes tried to calculate any hidden emotions she buried but I was met with nothing except emptiness.

Thomas took a single step forward, but movement from behind Teresa stopped him short. Girls emerged on either side like some sort of gang. They surrounded us quickly, armed with a variation of weapons and each wearing a murderous expression as they formed a wide circle around our group.

This was it. This was Group B.

My eyes shifted around the girls I was supposed to be with. They all appeared to be of varying ages like we were, meaning they had sent similar age groups up to their Maze. It made me wonder where I would fit in if Teresa hadn't sent me up with Thomas. Who replaced me? Who was the female version of Thomas if Aris was the male version of Teresa?

Another thing I noticed was that nobody appeared even the slightest bit familiar. Where was Sonya? She should've been among them, but I didn't see her anywhere. A girl as tall as her should've been recognizable in the group of about twenty females. Twenty. So much more than we had.

I felt myself beginning to slide off of Thomas' back and a pang of fear hit me. Something told me that if either of us moved, they'd kill us on the spot. My fingers dug into his shoulders in an attempt to keep me steady while he tried not to wince.

"What's this crap about, Teresa?" Minho asked sarcastically. "Nice way to greet your long-lost buddies."

She didn't respond, only walking a bit closer until she stood about ten feet from where Minho and Newt stood side-by-side.

"Teresa?" Newt wondered with his eyebrow raised in confusion. "What the bloody—"

"Shut up," she snapped with conviction. It was a tone I wasn't used to hearing her use- there was clearly something off about her. "Any of you makes a move, the bows start shooting."

Teresa lifted her spear so she could throw it more easily if she had to. She began walking in a wide circle, trying to get a better view of us all. Her eyes passed among the Gladers as if searching for something. When they landed on Brenda, they seemed to pause before moving on. And then they settled on Thomas and I. Or, rather, mostly Thomas.

"Teresa?" I heard him whisper. When she didn't move, she tried again. "Teresa, what's—"

"Shut up." She used the same commanding tone as before, her icy blue eyes burning into his. My gut twisted.

"Thomas, I'm gonna fall," I hissed through my teeth, willing my lips to move as little as possible. The sweat on our skin caused me to slide more than usual. My mind was a whirling mess as I tried to think of anything that could prevent them from attacking upon the slightest movement. A plan hit me so quickly that I barely had time to process it before I spoke. "Drop me."

He hesitated, nodding with such a small incline of his head that only I could see it due to my close proximity. Quickly, he loosened his grip on my legs while I released his shoulders. I fell with a shriek, smacking my head on the sand and causing the headache to return in a burst of sharp pain. It was all I could do to hope it had looked like an accident.

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