Trouble we're making - Male! Majora GijinkaxReader

Start from the beginning

- Wait-... If You're a God, then why did You save someone like me..?
- Isn't it obvious? I thought it'd be fun. 'Cause... uh... it's pretty boring being just a God and watching humanity like on a movie.
- What's a... movie? - You asked.
- It's something from a waaay diffrent era. No need for You to know.
- ...huh.

And so, after a little talk and lots of questions, You and the stranger crossed the whole desert in just one day. How? ...Well, actually the "tent" was a horse cart... that's flying. The horses looked like if they were taken straight from hell. When You peeked out to see where You are, You got so scared... You've never flied before and now felt like if You were about to puke. The stranger patted You on the back and showed a place to sit. He sat next to You and asked:

- Anyway... what is Your name?
- ...I'm... Y/N. - You said, not being sure if You should. - What's Yours?
- Well, I don't really have a name... only as a Deity I'm called Majora.
- Majora...? Sounds kinda girly. - You giggled, as he seemed annoyed.
- Quiet. It's not like Your name is better. - he said and looked away.

You traveled with him until the sun was going down. Majora decided to visit a village and buy some food for You. Though You wanted to go alone, he didn't let You... well, it still'd be better if You could just run away...

As You walked down a path with him, You heard something moving in the bushes.

- Don't look. - Majora whispered. You decided to keep going forward bravely. When You were near an entrenace to the village, a few guys jumped out of the bushes and surrounded You.
- Heheh... look what a pretty kid we've got here. Give all your money and that kid to us, then we'll let ya go.
- As if I'd obey such pitiful creatures. - said Majora.
- What?! - one of the robbers asked.
- Don't tell me You don't even understand my last sentence... humans really can be stupid, can they, Y/N?
- D-don't mess with them like that! You're strong, but- - You whispered to him.
- DON'T try to teach me. I know what I'm doing.
- Ya sure of that? - one of the robbers asked. - 'cause it seems you really ARE trying to mess with us. You should listen to the kid.

Majora seemed very annoyed after that and pulled You to himself, saying:

- Cover Your eyes and stay close to me.

You did as he said, then heard a weird noise, like if... cutting flesh. Majora quickly walked away with You. When You entered the village he said that You can stop covering Your eyes, but You can't look behind.
You entered a shop with him and bought everything You need. He also gave You a pretty necklace made from small sparkling stones in Your favourite color.
You noticed that he went another way than through the entrance to the village. You caught Yourself mostly thinking what did he do to those robbers... did he kill them? Just hurt..? You didn't know.

You entered the horse cart.

- Uh... Y/N? - he asked.
- Yeah?
- ...You'll have to sleep on the floor. Goodnight~ - he said and lied down on a bed.

You walked near and looked at him. Majora opened one of his eyes and looked back at You, as You suddenly pushed him aside and lied next to him.

- Wha-?! How dare You do that?! - he shouted at You, but didn't push You off the bed. You suddenly hugged him.
- I'm not going to sleep on the cold floor.
- Ugh... fine. - he said and turned around, just to not look at You. Even though, You were still hugging him and he didn't complain about it! Wow!

In the morning, You woke up with Majora hugging You and having his face just in front of Yours, like if he was about to kiss You. You blushed hardly and tried to slowly get a little bit away from him, but... suddenly, the cart jumped a little bit and You kissed Majora, as he woke up.

- WHAT THE HELL?! - he shouted, blushing hardly.
- I-it's not my fault! T-the h-horse cart jumped a-and...
He looked at You for a few seconds.
- I... can't believe I kissed a human. - he said.

- I can't believe I kissed a God.
- And I can't believe I liked it. - both of You said in the same time, then looked at Yourselfs with a blush.
- I-it's not what I meant!! - both of You shouted and looked at eachother.

Then, You and Majora bursted out with laughter.
- I never thought I'd have fun with a human!
- I never thought I'd meet a God and kiss him!

Majora giggled and got up, stopping the horse cart and going out. You decided to go after him.
You noticed that it's... sea. You looked at it wide-eyed and quickly ran to it.
You tried to hold Yourself, but... You couldn't. You jumped into the sea... and it felt really nice.

- What the hell are You doing, Y/N?! Get out of it! - Majora shouted.
- Whaat? But why? - You asked sadly.
- It's dangerous for humans to swim in THIS sea! Get out! - he said and started walking Your way, as You suddenly felt that something grabbed Your leg and was now pulling You underwater. You tried to get away from it, but You couldn't. You took a deep breath before it dragged You deeper into the water.
- Y/N!! - You heard Majora shout Your name, then he jumped after You into the water.

You saw him trying to reach You, as You felt that You can't stand lack of air anymore. He grabbed Your hand, as You lost Your consciousness.
Fortunately, Majora was able to take You to the surface and save You. You came back to consciousness a few minutes later.
You coughed, got up and looked at Majora. He seemed REALLY annoyed.

- From now on, You can't go ANYWHERE without telling me and receving my agreement.
- ...Sorry. - You apologized. He sighed and patted You.
- Why are humans so stupid...? - he said quietly, but You heard him. Though, You had nothing to say after what You just did. You sighed.
You spend the rest of the day being kind of... locked up. Majora didn't let You come out, because he had to visit more dangerous places. Though, the other ones were much better.

You spend with him a long time.

You spend with him a few months...
...a few years.

The time passed, but...

Unfortunately... the Gods didn't seem to like it.
One day, You fell ill. You knew You don't have much time... Majora also knew it.
He sat on a chair right next to Your bed and petted You.
- I'm sorry... - he whispered.
- It's not Your fault. - You responded with a smile.
- It... it actually is. - he started. - If I wouldn't leave the place I belong to, the other Gods wouldn't want You dead... I.... I love You and... You're the only thing that keeps me here. - he said with tears in his eyes. - I just wanted to be loved, since humans forgot about me and my power... at first, I wanted to rule the world, but I had to start from something... a few days later, I met You and thought that You may be my first slave or something... but I started to have feelings for You.
- I love You too, Majora. - You said. He looked at You wide eyed, then blushed a little and hugged You.
- I want to be with You forever...
- I want to be with You too, Majora. - You said with tears in Your eyes, barely holding back crying. He got closer and pressed his lips aganist Yours.
- I'll never forget You, Y/N. - he said, being face to face to You. You smiled at him and said:

- I hope You...won't...Majora...


Well, I guess You know what happend.
Even though, when You died... his voice echoed.

"I will wait for our next meeting, Y/N. In the next era... I'll see You again."

(I'm sorry if this one was kinda... crappy. I feel like I broke the ending so yeah... I'm really sorry, since I don't update this book too much ;~;)

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