Is she crazy? My brothers will think I'm crazy.... this is getting to out of hand... ooh poor choice of words. I can't do this, I can't!

I pulled out my phone and sent her a text

Meet me after school behind the football bleachers.

there was no response, just a read receipt, and that was enough for me to know she was coming.

The rest of the day went by in slow motion, my heart was the only thing moving extremely fast. the day finally ended and I was scared beyond my mind, scared because I don't know if Charlene is willing to have civil discussion or make it dangerous. I walked quickly out of my last class got my bag out of my locker and ran to the football field to wait for Charlene.

5 minutes passed and I heard someone approaching

"whose their?" I asked looking around

all I heard was a laugh followed by

"you don't know? I'm hurt" she said in an awful voice

"we need to talk, this whole thing is getting crazy, making me reveal personal diary entries to the whole school was bad enough, now you want me to burn my hand, i don't understand why? I get it, you're mad because shane broke up with you, but because of you shane burned himself when we went camping, you hurt him not me not my brothers, you! I don't understand why you can't just leave us alone"

"oh sweets because of you shane and i were having a rough patch, because of you he broke up with me, because of you everything went wrong, now because I don't have a boyfriend i have to have fun with someone, you will do what I tell you to do because you love your family to much to break it up. I suggest being an obedient little puppet or your whole world could fall apart very quickly."

"Charlene I can't burn my hand, its completely crazy-"


"Charlene please, don't make me do this" I pleaded

"you have a choice! this or break your family apart, the choice is yours, make the right one." she said and walked away

I don't have a choice do I?

when I got home, my brothers began asking what took me so long to get home, I had told them i wanted to walk home, so i said i got a bit lost.

about an hour later Jason started cooking pasta, the stove was really hot and this was my chance... i can't believe this happening, I'm giving into this, I shouldn't I should tell my brothers what is going on, what she wants me to do, but what if she calls the police and has us separated.... as i was contemplating what to do I got a text... from her...

it had a picture of a document with the death certificates of my parents and the ages of me and my siblings showing we were not legally able to be on our own. followed by her saying

what are you waiting for? I just have to press a button and bye bye life for you!

She is watching me right now, where is she??

I began to panic and without even thinking about it i ran to the stove and pressed my hand on the top surface, Jason's back was turned but the he heard my piercing scream he spun around and caught me before I could hit the floor. the pain was unbearable my hand was stinging and all my brothers came rushing in from all places in the house (after Shane's burning we decided to stock up on antibiotics and each took a class on how to handle situations like this and other types of injuries, that way we don't have to spend so much money in the hospital) they quickly got to work on my hand and I was crying.

I passed out and I think about 2 hours later I woke up.

the boys surrounded me and Danny said

"what the hell were you thinking Emily?!"

and shane chimed in saying

"you could have seriously hurt yourself"

"what happened why did you do this??" Jason asked

"I- I um I can't tell you"

"what the hell do you mean you can't tell us? you just tried to burn your hand!" Jason yelled


"the hell you can't!" Caleb yelled

"does this have to do with Charlene?" shane asked nervously

I didn't respond

"so it does, dammit! whats going on Emily!!!" Danny yelled

"please just stop." I said in a hushed tone and crying

"what did she do Emily?" shane asked

"nothing" was my only response and that was how we left that conversation, it wasn't over but for that night we were taking a break.

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