Goodbye, Until Tomorrow [Epilogue]

Start from the beginning

The leaders of the new world, who took the stand to fix everything that happened, read the letter and decided to carry out Matthew William's request. The borders of the old world and countries would be restored. The old countries will revive and carry out their legacy. Whether the personifications would be revived as well was still a mystery at the time.

It took another good set of decades to rebuild the borders and structure. Of course, there were fall outs and fights as some would of predicted, but all were settled amicably in the end when the letter was brought up. No one knew why, but everyone had the strong desire to please their past nations. Maybe it was because they knew how much they fought for them. Maybe it was because they realized how much they took and endured for their people. Whatever the case was, everyone had their own insight to their desire to help.

One by one, nations began to come back. Canada was first, then followed by Germany, then Russia, then China, then England, then France, and so on and so forth. Every nation came back and every one lived in their desired or home country from the old world. When the countries were brought back, the personifications didn't come back... immediately.


"Woah! This is so cool!"

A boy, physically 12 years old, dashed down a busy street in New York, pushing past a few pedestrians while he was at it. Bright sapphire eyes lit up in awe as he ran up to a construction worker near the border of his country, The United States of America.

"You guys finally have it up?! Can I see?!" the boy exclaimed joyfully, practically jumping up and down as he looked up at the worker. His unique golden curl bounced along with him, causing the worker to let out a little laugh.

"Of course, Mr. Jones. I would be surprised if you didn't want to see it. Besides, a boy from the other country came over here to view it, too."

Alfred F. Jones tilted his head to the side in confusion. Another boy? So, there was another country beyond the fence? Yes, he did know Canada was beyond there but he often forgotten about it since he usually was too busy focusing on his own flourishing nation.

After the man said that, Alfred caught a glimpse of a boy coming across the border. This boy looked almost exactly like him and had a similar curl, except it hung over his eyes in a loopy way.

"You! Hey you!" Alfred yelled over to the boy, causing him to jump in surprise. The American ran over to him with the biggest smile on his face. "I've never seen you around! Are you a nation too?! Are you Canada?! What's your name?! I'm America! Call me Alfred though! Alfred F. Jones! Did you come to see the new border too?!"

Questions spewed from the others mouth so fast the Canadian boy couldn't keep up. His purple irises shifted up and down Alfred, taking in the newcomer. He knew about his loud neighbor and heard many stories about him, but not once did they ever meet. Shifting where he stood, the new boy quietly spoke up.

"M-My name is Matthew." The Canadian responded, surprisingly ceasing the other's excessive chatter. "Matthew Williams. Yes, I'm Canada. It's a pleasure to meet you, Alfred."

The two smiled brightly at one another, both excited to have met another nation. Being where they were, there weren't many nations around to socialize with. It was a joy for the both of them to meet in their own land.

"It's nice to meet you too!" Alfred laughed loudly, causing the other to jump a bit. Oh the contrast between the two. "Hey! Let's be best friends!"

Matthew blinked in surprise at the sudden statement, really trying to adjust to the other's booming personality. No wonder America was such a loud country. They had an energy filled representative that seemed to be non-stop.

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