Joking with death

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A/N - Sorry guys 4th July - I know. But this song is meaningful to me.

You find the scissors on the ground

You Pick them up 

You open them up

You Place them on your neck 

I notice what you are doing

Try and pull them away 

Try to take them away

But I need help

Others help

 including another shocked person

Together take them away 

Only to find out that it was just a joke.

Authors note:

 Is this the life we live in now? A life where people joke about death. A life where self harming is the new cool. A world which no one is happy. One where people hide there emotions under a mask before causing damage to themselves?  

A World where people are starving themselves, just to look like the PHOTO-SHOPPED models on magazine covers. A World where people are judging you on what you look like over who you are on the inside.

A world where people think it's so bad. That they try to strangle themselves with coat hangers, T.V. wires and other household items. 

Is this the world we really live in?

Is this the world we really want to live in?

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