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I really can't believe that doofus followed me to my apartment. Theo Rails, I think that's his surname, is the hottest guy in school right now. Unlike me. I'm a geek and geeks don't really live in the same apartment building with populars. So I'd be very glad if someone told me that I was dreaming and not having that cute imbecile behind me right now.

I open the door and I can practically feel Theos breath on my neck. I ignore the color tainting my cheek and open the door. The sight that greets me is horrible. I feel like an ice cold blade her been passed straight through my heart and ripped out so violently, my skin tears. I know you did not need the visual but I really don't care. What I feel is worse than seeing Theo beat me in a guitar competition.

Sitting on the couch with his freaking back turned to me is my dad, busily sucking the face of a woman about three years older than I am.

I stiffen at the sight and I can feel Theo does too. Sensing my emotional state, he pulls me back gently with his hand on my waist and closes the door softly. He turns me round so that I face him, and with arms open wide, embraces me. He allows me to make his shirt all soggy and damp. The tears spill, flowing freely down me cheeks but I don't cry. I don't even think I have to cry. I just feel...empty. Like my arteries have been removed from place in my heart. Theo rubs soothing circles on my back but I don't care. I couldn't really.

I feel betrayed, angry, resentful and heartbroken. How could he do this to us? To mum?

I am just wondering,

Was that my dad?

I really want to know how you guys are finding the story so far. Please vote if you want to and comment too. Just be frank and tell me what you think. I'll be waiting.

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