"Don't worry about it. I just tend to ruin celebrities lives," I murmured under my breath while turning back to look in my closet.

Figuring he didn't hear me seeing that he didn't say anything. "Louis what should I wear?" I wait for him to reply but he never does. "Louis?" I turn around but to find him looking at the floor in a daze.

"Louis!" I shout and he jumps out of the weird daze and looks up at me with an apologetic smile. "Sorry," he looks down again but in shame this time.

"It's fine. Just tell me what I should wear," he throws the covers off his body and steps over to me in long glides. "Mmm what about this? It is getting kind of chilly." He explains, getting the clothes off the the hangers.

He hands me a pinkish shirt with a royal blue rain jacket with blue jeans: the ends rolled up a bit with a pair of Harry's dirty chucks. I give it a once over with a cocked eyebrow and begin to nod. "Okay."

"Hey wait a second," he turns his head with a dopey look because he didn't expect me to say anything. I rush over to him and give him a bear hug.

"Thanks Lou," I murmured into his neck while he wraps his arms around my neck. "Welcome Harry," he sighs backs and I lean back with a knowingly smile.

He notices my look and rolls his eyes. "No, I only said that because I missed my best friend." He starts to walk out of the room.

"Your boyfriend," I fake coughed behind his back and he spins around giving me a sassy look. "Oh I'm sorry it's so dusty in here," I explain, looking around the room with an innocent look.

He squirts his eyes with an hard expression. "Yeah dust my arse," he murmurs under his breath and turns to walk out of the room. I hold my breath until he closes the door and I let out my stifled laughs.

"I hear you laughing peasant!" That just sets me off even more.

Harry's POV:

"He was just upset last night but I bet he's okay now."

It's 3 o'clock AM in America right now and yes I should be sleeping but I'm too upset to sleep. I mean what made her think of that as an excuse instead of coming out (bad choice of words) and saying: "Look I'm Harry Styles."

I mean it's not hard to do! The boys would've believed her and seeing that Zayn was suspicious of it then he could've helped her out! I just don't understand!

Maybe I'm blowing this out of proportion, you ask? Yeah, that thought came across my mind too until I went on the internet to see Harry Styles gay all over Google. That thought quickly evacuated the premises.

I flip over my stomach in my bed, trying to get comfortable, with sleepy eyes. I thought of calling Asia but I'm pretty sure she's sleeping. How I know for sure?

Well...let's just say I accidentally butt dialed her...a few times and she answered the last time to tell me:

"Just because you Harry Styles, don't mean you can call me whenever you want. You leave that for them white girls," and hung up with my jaw dropped to the floor.

Yeah so that's how that played out. I flip back onto my back and groaned inwardly, "I just don't know what to do," I huffed looking into the darkness of the room.

The voice in my head made it's appearance, "Why don't you get revenge?"

I sit up in the bed. "Revenge?" Yes I'm basically talking to myself but Bridgett is at work so she won't hear me.

"Yes revenge. Why would you let her get away with what she did? Everyone in the world thinks you're gay! That should hurt your ego!"

I touch where I think my ego would be: the pit of my stomach. "Yeah that did bruise it a bit," I sigh, scratching my chin.

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