Ch. 19: Because He Likes...Boys

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(A/N: Hey guys! I hope this chappie comes out long and nice :F. Guys if you like interracial One Direction fan fic check out @I_like_food08 & @pinkandpurple11 for that! They're really nice chicks so don't forget to fan them!

Also if you're into different One Direction shipping then check out @ZDsmiles & @MakingYouLaugh because their stories are so adorable and random haha so ya!


Mia's POV:

I stay in my seat for a few quiet minutes contemplating on to get up after Taylor or not. Why would she get up and leave for no reason? Did I do something wrong? Is it because I don't drink coffee?!

I feel my phone vibrating on the table that I'm still sitting at, knocking me out of my erratic thoughts. I look at it to see that I have a text message from Liam.

I roll my eyes because what does he want now?

From: Lima Bean 12:08 PM

Gt hone now!

I scrunch my eyebrows because I don't understand what he's trying to say. Oh wait he's saying for me to get home now! Wait...shit! How did he figure out that I left?!

I sigh while letting out a few curses under my breath since their are children around. I grab my phone while putting my sunglasses on and leave the café.

Looking over my shoulder the whole time since I don't have the greatest disguise.

Louis' POV:

I watch Har-, I mean Tamia, go out the door for her coffee date with Taylor. I'll still have to side with Liam about their "dating" plan not working.

At first I was looking after Harry but now that I know that Mia is in Harry's body, I really feel protective of the situation.

I just don't want Taylor to fall for her especially because yanno Mis is of course a girl and will understand Taylor better than Harry would ever. I mean what will she do then?

I run my hand through my hair and try not to worry about things like that because that's Liam's job to worry not mine's. My job is to just have fun and right now I'm doing the complete opposite.

I know what I should do! Drink some tea, that always made me feel more cheerful. Especially my Yorkshire tea!

I happily walk into the room that Harry banned me from if I was ever alone, also known as the kitchen. I smile mischeviously to myself feeling like a bit of a rebel.

I grab the things that I would need and start making the tea. That's all I will allow for myself to make since that's all I can make. As soon as I was done with the tea and pull the mug to my lips, I hear a loud noise that makes me jump.


"Louis?! Harry?!" I spilt a bit of the tea on my shirt. Just freaking great! I grab a few napkins to wipe it off.

"Yeah? I'm in here!" I yell poking my head around the corner to see Liam in the living room with a red face. I wonder what's wrong with him?

"Liam ya okay?" forgetting about the spilt tea I rush over to Liam. He ignores me by walking past me. "Yeah Louis I'm great would suffice," I retort.

"Louis where is Harry?" he decides to ignore my sassy comment and looks at me expectantly.

"Oh she's at-, um uh he's in bed, doing uh what you call it? Um sleep! That's it!" shit I almost forgot I had to cover for her since she's "grounded" by Liam.

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