Ch. 7: Why Is Everyone Skeptical?

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Mia POV:

“HARRY, WHERE THE BLOODY HELL WERE YOU?” whoa so this is the daddy direction huh? I wasn’t even all the way in the hotel room before Liam spots me after pacing back and forth to attack me. I look behind him to see the other boys there too: Louis sitting on the bed with his legs crossed comforting a puffy eyed Niall and Zayn is sitting by the window. I wonder what’s on his mind?

“I’m sorry Li-,” I try to apologize but Liam cuts me off

“No it’s always the same with you Harry! We were so worried about you, you run out of the room not talking to us and comes back with only,” he checks his silver watch on his left wrist. “45 minutes before our flight! How irresponsible are you?” he shouts in my face while his face is red with fury. So I’m guessing this is not the first time Harry has skipped out.

“I know Liam, but instead of you yelling at me. We could be on our way to the airport,” I state calmly hoping to ease him out of his stress.

“No Harry, you don’t get it. We didn’t know if you were mobbed by fans or did you get hurt. I mean you made poor Niall cry,” I look over at Niall and he gives me a weak smile with red puffy eyes. “It’s alright Harry, you’re here now.”

I look back at Liam to give him a small smirk since Niall is okay with it. He gives me a fatherly scowl and it makes me gulp. “Fine lads let’s go and Harry hurry up with the packing. We’ll meet you down in the lobby,” he walks towards the door but only to bump my shoulder with his. Zayn walks away from the window with Niall behind him to walk after Liam but Zayn looks at me emotionlessly like his eyes are staring into me. What was that about?

I look over to see that Louis didn’t leave, “Shouldn’t you be packing Haz?” he says in a small whisper while looking directly at the floor avoiding my gaze on his face.

“Shouldn’t you be leaving Lou?” I shot back and he looks up from the floor at me to shoot me a scowl. Oh shit, Mia do you want a death wish? You must do if you’re fucking with Louis Tomlinson. “What crawled up your arse Harry?” now it’s my time to stare at the ground because I don’t know how to explain my douche bag behavior without explaining everything.

“Uh, um,” I stutter but he rolls his eyes and get off the bed. “Whatever just go ahead and pack up before Liam throws a fit again,” he gives me another once over and shakes his head while walking out of the room. Shit how did I get Louis to practically hate me less than ten minutes?

I sigh and start throwing Harry’s clothes into the bag I see by the dresser. I go into the bathroom to see if there was anything that Harry might have left in there. I found a toothbrush, cologne, deodorant, yeah you get the idea. I grab all of those things into my arms to carry them to the suitcase. After packing, I grab the suitcase in one hand and close the hotel room door. I go to the end of the hallway where the elevator is, I press the button to go down and wait silently for the elevator shaft to come.

The elevator doors open after maybe 20 seconds and I walk in pressing the button for the lobby. I notice that there’s no one but me in the elevator which is great. I lean back and pull my phone out of my back pocket to see that it’s 2:35 PM, which means we have 30 minutes left to make the flight. Shit I hope the airport is not far away.

The doors ding open and I rush out of the elevator with my suitcase to find the boys sitting in the lobby. Well Liam’s not sitting down but pacing back and forth, “Guys?” I speak loudly for them to hear me and Liam stops his pacing to look at me. He runs his hand through his new hairstyle that’s a quiff, I guess?

“Good you’re here; I was going to send one of the lads to get you. Okay lads let’s go!” he rushes out like a stressful parent. I don’t blame him because who else would be the responsible one? They stalk over towards me and I follow closely behind them to go to the back entrance. Why are we going back here, the front entrance is over there?

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