Ch. 3: Thunderstorms

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Mia POV:

“I’m not helping her, she’s mean!” Harry shouts at the other lads. Well thanks Styles, right back at ya. “Oh Harry stop being a huge cunt and let’s help her find her mom,” thanks Niall! I knew I would always like the little Irishman. I notice Niall is eating sour worms but didn’t I see someone handing Louis that since he loves anything sour?

“Where in the bloody hell is my sour worms?!” Louis shouts patting his ass up and down. Damn, I imagine myself throwing dollar bills at Louis. I snap out of my wannabe rap video imagination to find Zayn and Liam looking at me weirdly. Oh shit, did I say that out loud? “Love, why were you patting your hand like you were at a strip club?” Zayn asks me looking amused.

“Uh, well Louis was patting his um bum so,” I stutter awkwardly while Zayn is laughing his ass off and Liam smiles at me sympathetically. “Ah shut up you, let’s just find my mom.” I poke Zayn’s chest while I hear Niall trying to blame his thievery on Kevin the pigeon. “Oh Niall, you’re going to really get it,” Zayn sighs while Liam agrees.

“I’m not going to break it up either. Harry will have to,” Liam tugs on his hair frustratingly after he hears Louis scream, “Why would you bring Kevin into this!?” “Here we go. Okay love, let’s go and find your mum,” oh he’s too cute how he says mom! Okay stop fangirling Mia. “Okay,” we walk around in an awkward silence, until Liam breaks the silence. “Hey we don’t even know your name,”

“Uh, Tamia but I go by Mia too,” I speak slowly so it wouldn’t come out as a jumble of mess. “Tamiya?” Zayn asks in assurance, if he got it right or not. Which he didn’t, God Mia don’t get in a hissy fit because he mispronounced your name. “No it’s Tah-Me-Ah,” I sound it out, hoping I didn’t have a hint of attitude because it just irritates me when people get my name wrong.

“Tamia?” Liam says it perfectly and I would pay for him whisper that in my ear every night. God Mia get your hormones in check. “I like it, it’s very pretty,” he smiles at me while I inwardly fan girl because Liam Payne thinks my name is pretty, no very pretty! Man, don’t touch me! “Yeah it really is,” Zayn gives me the tongue smile. Oh my God these boys are too sexy for their own good, shit.

“Oh is that your mum over there?” Zayn points over to my mom, tapping on her phone, most likely trying to reach me. “Yeah but you know what we should do?”

“What?” Zayn leans down to my height, ready for any mischievous action. Bless his heart. “We should let her keep worrying about me,” I explain my tone getting excited by the minute.

“Why should we do that?” Liam bushy eyebrows furrow in confusion. Aw he’s too sweet and pure for his own good.

“’Cause she made me go up to meet you guys by myself so she should suffer for being an unfit mother,” I sniff. “Really,” Zayn looks at me in disbelief, making me wonder is he thinking, “Bitch, you got my hopes up for nothing.”

“Yes really,” I look back and forth between them and they both shake their head in rejection. “No love, you shouldn’t do that to your mum. I mean she’s your mum.” of course Liam the responsible one would say that. Zayn nods in agreement, “Man where is Louis when you need him?” I sigh in frustration. They laugh half heartily and go towards my mom.

I follow them and my mom notice us coming towards her and she lets out a big sigh of relief. “Thank God, you’re okay. What happened?” she puts her phone into her purse and wait for an explanation from me.

“Well you see since-,”

“Wait a sec., why are two of the boys from One Direction with you?” my mom questions looking between us for answers. “Well you’re never know because you left me to faint on stage!” My mom eyes grow wide like a cartoon character while I try to keep a straight face.

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