
As soon as she was out of Juvia's sight, Levy quickly picked up her sword and started to veer towards Clover. Even thought she most of the time was considered as a bookworm that knew nothing about the real world, the young woman had traveled a lot for her work. In fact, because of the numerous requests from Clover's mayor, she knew the city very well. She had no doubts on Phantom's location based on Juvia's description. It was an old building to which no one dare to wander around.

After a moment, the young woman, still running had to reduce her pace without however stopping. It was out of question she would let him confront Phantom by himself if things would go wrong. The blue haired young woman knew that she wasn't really skilled in combat yet. But if that tiny bit of expertise could make even a small difference, then she was willing to take the risk. Gajeel asked her to not go too far from him, well, she will have to oblige. She simple hopped he haven't left too long ago.


Gajeel arrived at the city's border. A feeling of disgust took over him thinking he once considered that place like his home. But after what Phantom did to them, after what the organisation almost made him do... Gajeel couldn't simply want anything to do with them anymore.

Wishing to get this done as soon as possible, he looked at his surroundings. Despite the guard making round-trips around the building, no one seemed to be in sight. Perfect. He only would have to wait until the guard was behind it to slip the letter between the two large doors and leave. As soon as the guard was out of sight, he left his hiding spot at the edge of the forest, but couldn't take a step before a voice was heard behind him.

"When the captain asked me to patrol the forest, waiting for your arrival, I seriously thought he had gone senile. Apparently, you're crazy enough to come here, even with a price put on your head".

"Gihi! And you, you're forgetting how I kicked your and your novice's butt last time we met" he said recognising Totomaru even before turning to him.

Gajeel's assurance lowered a little bit seeing the triumphant smile on his ex-colleague's face.

"As I told you, the captain was expecting you. You're not stupid enough to think he had forgotten already all those infiltration missions he had given you?"

On that last sentence, three other persons from the organisation that Gajeel only knew by look got out of the woods. "Shit" he thought. "Were Juvia and him really that predictable?"

"He knows all your techniques" snickered Totomaru. "You don't stand a chance".

"For once, I'm not here for a fight" growled Gajeel who was focussing on not loosing his cool. I have a message for the captain".

"I suppose I can hand him that envelope of yours as your last wish" he smiled once more.

"Wasn't remembering how much Phantom was full of bastards like yourself".

On that, he attacked. Why restrain himself? Those bastards only had one thing in mind: ending his life. No way he was letting that happen. He easily blocked the sword that was aiming at him from a first opponent, disarming in one maneuver. "If they're all as weak as...". His thought was cut off by a violent sword hit that barely passed an inch from his throat. "Okay... it wont be that easy" he concluded.

Happily, he still had the upper hand and pierced the soldiers shoulder with his sword, totally destabilising the Phantom member. He had barely a split second to savor his new victory before mostly dodging the sword that nicked his chest at the level of the heart. If he would have reacted only an instant later, it would have been the end of him.

Even though the wound wasn't serious, it extracted from Gajeel a curse when he saw a dark spot forming on his shirt. But he had no time to take a break neither to feel the pain while the two remaining men where alternating hits on him. Another slash barely missed him, letting the blade cutting the skin of his tight this time. He took a look at his leg by reflex, but that was a terrible mistake. With two adversaries against him, Totomaru took advantage of his instant of distraction to kick him behind the knee, making him trip on his back. The shock reverberated in his back and head as he violently hit the ground. However, the pain he was feeling now was the least of his problems. He wouldn't have to deal with pain ever again if he didn't find a way out right away.

Sadly, a foot was applying pressure on his wrist, nailing his hand and the sword it was holding on the ground. As for Totomaru, he was holding his own weapon right above his throat.

"It was my pleasure, Redfox" he said right before rising his sword, ready to give the final blow to the young Redfox.

Gajeel was ready to feel the edge of the blade on his neck, but all he could discern was the sharp sound of a metallic impact that made two swords meeting. He then saw the most surprising thing he ever witness, filling him with as much pride and affection as fright: his shrimp just blocked the blow that was about to take his life. The shock obviously inflicted pain in her arms and she seemed out of breath. And still, that tiny young woman just had saved his life.

Despite his own surprise, he took advantage of his opponent's surprise too free himself, taking place between Levy and the assassins.

"You better have a good reason for being here" he said to her, hating the fact that she was this close to danger.

He knew she had this immense strength inside of her, be if he could prevent her such danger, he would do it.

"And you better have a good reason for jumping into the lion's den all by yourself!" she retorted.

"Gihi!" he laughed, still impressed by the guts that could have such a small person. "Then show me what I taught you".

On that, they stated attacking at the same time. She wasn't yet at the other's level, but Gajeel had to admit her presence made a difference. After a hit from Levy on the guy that Gajeel still didn't know the name, the young man finished him off with a solid hit on the head, making him loose consciousness.

"If you think you won, Redfox, you couldn't be more wrong." Totomaru provoked him, "soon, you'll have a sword between your shoulder blades and, you can be sure of it, we wont forget your little princess".

Gajeel's heart skipped a beat for more then one reason. If that disgusting man's allusions of Levy getting hurt wasn't enough to get his blood boiling, the way he called her had completely startled him. To that glimpse of malice in his look, he understood that the word "princess" wasn't randomly chosen. Phantom knew but... how? And why attacking her? They couldn't hope for any help from his old organisation anymore and she had to get far from here as soon as possible. Shrimp had more than proven herself, but to Gajeel's taste, seeing her a continent apart from Totomaru would still be too close.

"Levy" he called, his voice filled with gravity. "Run".


"I can handle that chump by myself".

"There's no way I'm letting you alone here" she yelled, tears in her eyes".

"Would you run already!" He barked. "Phantom knows about you and they'll stay our enemies, no more doubts about it. You have to warn Juvia and Fullbuster, now!"

Despite her heavy heart, the young woman who was standing right behind Gajeel circled him with her arms.

"Please stay strong. Stay alive, for my sake" she whispered.

She then let go of him before she could fully feel the much needed comfort from his contact. She started to run, just like he said, her legs barely carrying her, her heart begging her to stay by his side.

That's it for today wonderful readers! :)

And yes, for those who have noticed, I made a reference to one of my favorite scene in Fairy Tail: Gajeel and Levy on Tenro!

Hope you enjoyed and don't forget to vote/comment :D

Lily xx

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