Chapter 5 (Part 1)

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I cant believe I stretched the club scene to 3 chapters! But, a lot is gonna happen in the club, which affects the whole story, like mini climax or something. But heres the final club chapter (or so I hope).

Just as I feared, the whole ride to the club was AWKWARDLY AWKWARD. Tyler was shifting under me the whole time, not that I felt uncomfortable, like physically. But what was bothering him? Me? Am I THAT fat? Cause he looks like a guy who would blow out men taller and stronger than me in a New York minute. I could feel Nash's stare at us the whole time. Like a jealous stare. And trust me, it felt great. I know that makes me bitch but seriously to have someone get jealous because of you, its pretty fucking great. Cooler when it's the person with whom you are supposedly in love with. Unless of course, a new hot guy from Chicago moves into your city and you suddenly develop the hots for him.

Ben glanced at us a couple of times, one time he looked at me at the same I looked at him, our eyes met and he mouthed a little sorry. But what was he apologizing for? It was not his fault that the car is too small for us all. I mouthed back an 'Its okay.' Dylan didn't even seem fazed a little by the fact that I was sitting in someone's lap. Luke was the worst though , he kept looking at us through the rearview mirror. If looks could kill, we would be dead and burnt by now.

I was looking through the window, watching trees, shops, people pass on. Going on with their lives. I saw a couple kissing, they both seemed happy. In lust, maybe love. Were they gonna be one of those couples, who end up together,get married , grow old together, until they are 90 and their grandchildren have children who come to meet them on Thanksgiving and Christmas. Or was it another one of those heartbreaking, shattering break-ups that happen these days and girls mourn about how he was such a pig and totally used you, and those mometns like one of these flash like a story in your mind, wishing no matter how a jerk he was, you want him back because you were in love with him, you ARE in love with him. And you feel nothing is gonna be okay, get insecure for life, not willing to trust any other man because you cant take a chance to go through what you did again. And when you are doing something like laundry or homework it just hits you like anything. Will you EVER be able to get another boyfriend? Will you EVER marry someone? Have children? Do anything of the stuff married people do?

No one knows.

I was pulled out of my thoughts by the when the car stopped with a jerk and we all lurched forward. Not to mention banged my head real hard on the back of the headrest of the shotgun seat.


'Sorry. I guess we're here.' Luke said.

We were in the South part of New York, there was a huge club in front of me

'Woodward NightClub' It said on a big wooden board above the doors of the club.

Hmm, never heard of that one, but it sure looks huge.

Ben opens the door and gets out, Nash get outs from the other side, I get off of Tyler and he allows me to go first through the door. Following me, he gets out and shuts the door beside him. Luke, calls out from the driver seat that he's going to park the car and wants us to wait for him.

Tyler gives him a thumbs up and he drives off.

'So, who's gonna be with Abby for the first half an hour?' He asks, casually slinging an arm over my shoulder.

'Guys, I don't wanna have someone babysit me. I am 16, for crying out loud.' I exclaim, caressing his fingers lightly.

'Not again Abbs, you know your brother will go crazy aga-' Dylan was cut off by another voice. 'I'll stay with her.'

Nash's voice. He wants to go with me? That's a first.

'Re-Really?' I strutter.

'Yeah, what's wrong with that?'

Cracking Her CodeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora