Chapter 3

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I open my eyes to a couple of voices ,' Should we wake her up yet?' a voice says. What? Did I fall asleep? They cant see that I have woken up because I am facing their opposite side . I feel like I have come back from another dimension.I try to remember when I fell asleep. I just closed my eyes for a moment. Well, shit I just wasted my afternoon. I was so annoyed, Its not everyday that that the principle's relative dies. Oh my god, I feel confused. I don't remember where I am. That's the thing about siestas, you don't remember who you are when you wake up.

'Its 6:30, shes a chick, shes gonna need to get ready.' Said another voice. HIS voice. Wait. What did he say? Its 6:30? We were supposed to leave at 7! Only half an hour left! I jerk up after putting it together that I am not gonna have enough time to curl my hair.

'Whoa!' Everybody shouted in unison. Including me. Because as I got up my elbow was drenched in butterscotch icecream.

'Fuck.' I don't swear much but I was NOT in a good mood.

'And she swears.' Nash said with an amused expression on his face.

'WHY DIDN'T YOU WAKE ME UP BEFORE?' I screamed at the guys getting up furiously running towards the bathroom. No, wait. I didn't pick my dress. I stop and rush back again to the closet. The guys were just standing there staring at me like I am a mad woman. I am SO NOT. A girl just needs her time. I am pretty sure I heard Ben mutter,' Dude, do chicks really get this worked up over their clothes?' Dylan And Luke chuckled.

'I heard you.' I said as I finally decide on two dresses. One was hot pink with a black ribbon in the waist area and below the waist was kind of flowy,while the other was yellow with a string of flowers along the right side of the dress. The first one looked a little hot, but the second was cute so I am confused here. Hmm. Maybe ask the boys. So, with both the dresses in my hand I turn around to find that the Luke was showing the guys something on his phone and laughing. Except the new guy. Oh God I still don't know his name, I'll ask Ben or Dylan on the way to our car. Well, the new guy (Oh, I hate calling him the new guy) was staring at me with soft eyes. Though as soon as I turn, he looks away pretending to pay attention what Luke is saying about 'Elena's ass'. But you just got busted little guy.. No, man. He's a BIG BIG guy. I feel actually flattered that someone like him looked at me. See he's the baddest guy in town who the guys wanna be and the gals want but I a normal girl, introvert even. I hate myself for that feeling in my stomach that I get when I think about him looking at me but right now I don't have time to think about it.

So, I clear my throat, and they all look at me. I step forward, put out the two dresses and ask them,' Which one do you think is better?' I hope Luke is okay with the dresses, because they are both mid-thigh, he makes fun of me and we hate each other, but believe me he's so overprotective over me, he doesn't let me wear these kind of dresses on front of his friends, well obviously Except for Ben, Dylan and Nash, I think but for his PERVY friends.. I don't know what kind of guy 'the new guy is'. AHH! I am sick of calling him the new guy. I am just calling him Keith for now. Ha. Where did I come up with that? He doesn't even look like a keith.

'I think you should ditch this and go with some t-shirt and jeans.' Says Luke. I knew it.

'No!' But that was not me, That wasNash everyone stared at him, Luke looked like he was about to finish him. Even 'Keith' looked a pit pissed off. Why though? 'I mean, she would look great in the dress. Choose the yellow.'

Did Nash just say that? I cant believe this.

I expectantly looked at Luke, I hope he would give up to that. Finally, he let out a puff of air and said,' All right. But at the club, someone's keeping an eye on you, always.'

Whew. Thank goodness. I am so happy. I jog over to Luke and kiss him on the cheek, 'Ew, get off me, you loser.' He says but I know he's smiling.

'So what do you think?' I ask again. 'The yellow one? As Dylan said. Or..'

'The pink one.' Said Keith.' It's more mature than the other one. The yellow seems perfect for a date, though. Just not for a club.' OH MY GOD. HE SPEAKS. And the funny thing is I thought the same thing.

'Yeah, dude. Good choice, that one's hot.' Ben nodded. 'If you guys don't shut up, I am gonna change my mind. Go shower, we have to take off.'

'Yeah.' I hopped into the shower. I quickly strip and turn on the shower, cold water hits my skin. As I apply soap on my body, I think about what 'Keith' said. Either he's gay or he has a really good choice. Or, his opinions matches mine. Then I thought about how Nash wanted me to wear a dress. Why did this happen to me? When suddenly Nash starting talking to me, this new guy had to turn up and screw everything for me.

Ugh...Whatever, I need to hurry up. No curling, I shampooed yesterday so I am just gonna comb my hair, that's all. Real fast.

I know this chappie is short. but its time for my basketball and swimming practice, so I am gonna write what actually happens in the club in the next chapter. My school started today and im flipping off. I HATE SCHOOL! But for those who actually want me to update, COMMENT GUYS!! I will try to update, the next chapter is gonna be a little long.

ALSO NEXT CHAPTER HAS THE BIG GUNS!! stay tuned and lemme know if you like my shit.

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