74. It's Time Player

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I watch them leave on there death traps threw the window. Please be careful, I said out loud. I grab my laptop and went to the cafe and got a table in the back. I was looking at baby stuff. "Here is you hot chocolate, do you need anything else?" The lady ask. No thank you, I said. I look at my phone and look up when I heard the door open. Of course it was Jack. he didnt notice me. He sat down at a table and then Greenlee came in and he kissed her and then they sat back down. I got down low in my seat to see what was going on. 10 minutes later I got bored and went back to my baby shopping.















I was looking over the place and saw Jane sitting by herself on her laptop. Look who's here, I said to Greenlee. "Who?" She ask. Jane, I said. "Oh just leave her alone," She said. I grab her arm. Dont tell me what to do, I said strongly. She look at me. Eat your food, I said. "If I cant tell you what to do then you cant tell me what to do," She said. Do not back talk me, I said strongly. Now eat, I said rather loud. Everyone look at me, even Jane. Sorry, I said.




















Everyone look at James. I sent Greenlee a text.

What the hell are you thinking being with Jack? He has a bad temper and easy to set off. He could hurt you.



Wouldnt you like to know. You arent my mother just because your becoming a "Mommy" doesnt mean you can treat everyone like your theres. Yeah he hits and grabs me all the time, But I learn to live with it. Which you would have done if you were strong enough and didnt get so caught up in the Lavery's.



No I wouldnt like to know thanks. I know im not your mother, Im not trying to be your mom. Never cared to. He hits you! clearly he hits you hard enough for you to not think about what he is doing to you. Greenlee it's a unhealthy relationship, and I fear your going to end up dead. You might not like me, but I still dont want you dead. I am strong enough, In fact I am so strong I took myself out of a relationship with Jack. And im not caught up in the Lavery's Matt has been my friend forever. So you need to get you facts and head straight.



It isnt an unhealthy relationship, I love him and he loves me! Im not gonna end up dead but you should worry about you ending up dead. My facts and head are straight thanks anyways.

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