31. Camping for the Weekend You Players Coming

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Jane! I yelled. "Yes Matt," She said. Wheres Mason? I ask. "Okay well I can tell your on your pain meds because he told you that he was going shopping," She said. Oh okay, I said. "You just lay on the couch and relax," She said. Thank you Jane, I said. "Your welcome," She said walking off.  "Okay heres your soup," She said. Awww thanks Jane, I said. The phone rang. "I'll get it," she said. "Well good news We start school next friday in stead of this friday," She said. Really thats awesome, I said. Text mason and let him know, I added.

I got up to put my dish in the sink and was gona go upstairs, but of course I need Janes help. "Matt you really shouldnt be walking around," She said. I know but I got to get up here and get a shower I havent had one in 3 days and I feel gross, I said. "You need to wait until Mason gets here because you cant get one by yourself," she said. Yes I can Jane, I said. "No," She said. "Hey guys we're back I heard," Mason yell.  Jane walk back down stairs. "Good then you can help your brother get a shower," I heard Jane say. "Alright," Mason said.

Ugh she makes me mad sometimes, I said. "What? Why?" Mason ask. Because she wouldnt let me get a shower by myself, I said. "What a bitch," He said smiling. "Matt come on your hurt and we both know you cant get a shower in the form your in," Mason said. Thats not my point, I said. "Well its mine so get in here," He said.


"Well he's clean and in bed now," Mason said walking off the stairs. Okay good. I said. Did you get my message? I ask. "No whats up?" He ask. School dont start until next Friday instead of this friday, I said. Really? "Cool." He said. Well I think im gona head up myself, goodnight. I said. "Goodnight Jane remember your room's on the third floor," Mason said. hahahahaha your hilarious not! I said rolling my eyes. I was walking upstairs and Marson ran passed me to the third floor. "Sorry Jane, Got a big day tomorrow really tired," Mason said. Okay, I said.

 I got to my room and layed down and the next think i knew someone was knocking on my door. I open it to see Matt. How the hell did you get up here? I wispered. "Duh I have an elevator," He wispered back. Well of course you do, I said. "I just wanted to say sorry for getting mad earlyer," He said. It's fine, I said. Now go back to bed so you can get better, I added. "alright goodnight Jane," He said kissing me on the cheek then on the lips. Goodnight Matt, I said back.

So then I closed the door and layed back down but then there was something hitting the window. I look out and saw Jack and open it. What? I ask. "Can you come down without you know," He ask. I dont, Was all I could say. "Please Jane just a walk in the neighborhood." He said. hold on, I said. I was about to get out was able to get out the window and when I touch ground I look up and saw Mason shaking his head from the window. I just look at him. come on Jack, I said.

"So how have you been?" He ask. I've been okay, I said. Matt and Mark got hurt during the storm yesterday, I said. "Oh Lord is Mark okay?" Jack ask. Yeah he got pick up by the tornado and thrown out of the building into the yard, I told him. "Oh wow well at least he's okay," He said. and Matt, Was all I could say. "I dont care about Matt," He said. Oh okay, I said confused. Well Ann got hurt also, She has brain injury but they said she will be okay, I said. "Thats good," He said. "So why are you living here?" Jack ask. Mom, its a long story, I said. "Oh," He said. "Well I guess you better get back inside," He said. Yeah I got something I got to take care of, I said. "Okay well goodnight," He said as he gave me a kiss on a cheek. Goodnight Jack, I said. As I got back in from the back door I ran to Mason's room. I walk in.

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