29. Everyone's Asleep player

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Jane? I wispered. "Matt whats wrong its like 2am," She said. What are you doing? I ask. "A laying here," She said, I rolled my eyes. Really, didnt notice, I said smiling. Everyone's asleep, I added. She Smiled. Dance with me? I ask as I turned on some music. "But its like, oh why not," She said. You know I really love that you guys moved here, I said smiling. "You know we're only staying until we find a house right?" She ask. Yeah, i know but dont look to hard, I said smiling. She laughed. So you know you, Was all I could say. "Matt," She said. Yeah, I said. "Just kiss me," She said. Finally, I said.

"Why do we always end up like this?" She ask while smiling. Follow me Jane, I said as I grab her hand. We got to my room I closed and lock the door. I lifted Janes head and kissed her lips. Its our last week before school, must make the best of it, I said. as I kissed her again. The next morning we woke up and notice everyone was already up. Shit were late getting up, I said. "Okay you just go out and text me and let me know the coast is clear and then I'll walk out," Jane said. Okay good Idea, I said.


I got the text that the coast was clear so I slowly walk out and look to almost see that no one saw me then I turn to my left to see Mason giving me a goofy smile. Damn you Mason, I said quietly. "I knew you were sleep woa," Mason said. Shhhhhhhhhh I dont know if Marks around and if so he doesnt know about the whole you know what, i said quietly with my hand over his mouth. "ing with my brother," He finish his sentence.

Boy didnt I just tell you to hush, I said. "no you said shhhhhh," He said smiling. I just gave him a blank look. Just dont say anything around Mark okay? I ask. "I promise I wont. But he really should be told about that stuff by now," He said. I know I was waiting for mom to do it but she never did, I said. "I'll do it. I take that subject seriously," He said. Fine but dont get off subject, I said strongly. "I wont Jane, But maybe you should join looks like you didnt understand it the first time," He said laugh. Haha ha shut your face, i said smiling. "Haha, lets go get breakfast," he said.


I walk in the ketchen giving Matt a look. "Okay what am I missing?" Matt said. "He caught me walking out of your room. But someone told me it was clear," Jane said. I just cant believe you two thought you could get away with it, I said laughing. "Shh Marks coming," Jane said. "Oh nevermind he went back to his room." Jane said. "Hey guys whats up?" Zane ask. I caught Jane doing the walk of shame. I said. "He did not," She added. "Mason shut up," Matt said elbowing me in the arm. "He did not catch Jane doing the walk of shame because theres nothing to be a shamed of," Matt said. Zane laughed. "anyways so are you all signed up for your classes?" Zane ask me. Yep, Junior year will hopefully be fun, i said. "Oh so your going to school here?" Jane ask. Yep isnt it great, I said smiling. "Fabulous," She said with a evil smile.

I walk upstairs to get my swim shorts on and was about to head down when I saw Jane. Hey why dont we just move all your stuff in his room, I said laughing. but then I fell down the stairs. "Yeah thats what you get for running your mouth," She said smiling.


Mark what are you doing? I ask. "Nothing just getting ready for school is all," He said. OMG I forgot your school started today, I said. Yep sadly, "Its not fair yall start on friday and I have to start today Monday. Why cant we all just go the same freakin day," He said complaining. I know it would make more since if we all did. I said. Well come on I'll take to school just let me get my bathing suit on, I said. "okay Jane," He said. 3 minutes later. Alright Mark are you ready? I called from down stairs. "Where are yall going," Matt ask. Marks first day of school is today, I said. "Oh man that sucks," Zane said. "Are you for real?" mason ask. "You gota be shitting me," Matt said. Nope Im serious, I said. "Yeah Jane im ready," Mark said. alright well lets go so you wont be late, I said to him. I'll be back later tes me if you need anything, I said. "Okay Jane," Matt said.

Okay so I drop Mark off and was driving back home but then got a text from mom saying. Sold the house moving to the city dont bother looking for me because I dont own you anymore. Well thats wonderful I said to myself. I got to the house and saw that Matt was then only one in the house. Hey why are you not outside with the guys? I ask. "I was waiting on you," He said. Awww well you didnt have to, I said back.

So I got a text from my mom, i said to matt as we laid on the pool chairs. "Oh really what did it say?" Matt ask. I got my phone out and showed him. "Wow thats really messed up," He said. Your telling me but its like whatever, She told us she wouldnt cut off the money through so im not worried, I said. "Yeah well at least there was one good thing," Matt said. Yeah I know, I added.

3pm rolled around and Mark came out to the back. Hey Mark, I said. "Hey Jane," He said. "Jane I got to thinking during class today, Why werent you in your room this morning when I got up? Um I went for a jog, I said. "in your pj's?" He ask. Well ya got to feel comfortable, I said laughing. "Oh," He said. And what class were you thinking all this in? I ask. "Math," He said. Okay that will do it, I said looking at Mason. "Im on it," Mason said. "Come here Mark lets go have a talk," Mason said. about 45 minutes later. Mark your back, I said. "Wow Jane have you been you know?" Mark ask. NOOOOO! I said. "Good because Im not ready for niece's and nephew's," He said. Good, But are you ready for kids, I ask. "Hell no! Ima wait until im married," He said. Yeah you still have a few years so we'll see, I said. But you got to take that seriously that isnt something to Joke around, I said strongly. "I know Jane," He said. Okay well go get some swim trunks on and get in the pool, I said. "Okay," He said.


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