It's a Love-Hate Relationship *16*

Start from the beginning

"I hope you know, that they almost caught the killer, but they need to see him, not just hear his voice. They think though, that he is around 25 years of age." he whispers softly in my ear, his breath caught as I move to sit up.

"They nearly caught him?" I ask, he nods, a slight smile on his lips. "Well, I am tired, I'll be sleeping with the girls," I say as I get up and go into the girls room, their big bed was in the middle, and I move to lay in between them. They smile in their sleep and move closer, and I wrap my arms around them, Kyle enters with Mac in his arm, and we all lay in the bed.

"Goodnight," Kyle whispers.

"Night Ky." I whisper back.

I watch as everyone around me in the station runs around, rushing to answer phones, drink coffee, and kick back. I blink as a hand moves in front of my face.

"Smith?" a timid voice asks. I lazily look up.

Officer Monetti was holding a cup of coffee to me, but I shake my head, putting my head back on my knees as I lock my arms around my legs.

"You need to eat." I hear as someone slams a fist on my desk.

"It's been over a week, you need to eat." I look up to see my brother. "You lost to much weight, you're getting unhealthily thin."

I just stay where I was, not even acknowledging them. I hear a sigh, and I blink slowly, before closing my eyes. Sleep never comes, but it's as close to it as I can get.

"We nearly caught him again." I hear someone shout breathlessly from the front.

I jump up and run there, "Where at?" I ask quietly, everyone in the station was quiet, not moving.

"Near Chris Kringle lane."

I felt my heart stop for a second, before picking up double time, and I throw on my FBP windbreaker after pulling on a bullet proof vest, then my credentials, and pull on my gun belt, and then slip on my uggs since I had been walking around barefoot. "Let's go." I tell everyone as I grab my phone, wallet and keys.

"What the fuck?!" I snap as I nearly hit a vehicle that looked a lot like Macon's. I dial his number. "What the fuck are you doing driving in this weather?" I ask him angrily.

"I'm at home, what are you talking about?" he asks sounding confused. If he didn't have his car...

"WAZ ZUM TUEFEL! YOU LET AN ARSHE HUTE TAKE YOUR CAR?!" I screech, switching between German and English.

"Let who?"

"Oh I don't know, one of your friends? Because your car is right in front of me." I tell him as I seethe in anger.

He sighs. "I didn't let anyone... WHERE THE FLYING FUCK IS MY FUCKING CAR?!" he shouts angrily.

"In front of me, I'm pulling the person over." I tell him hanging up and turning on my lights and siren. The car pulls to the side slowly, and I get out after pulling my flash light off my belt, then turning it on as I walk over, keeping a hand on my gun. I knock on the glass with the flash light.

The window opens, and the guy keeps his face away from mine. "What's the problem officer?"

"This car was stolen, the owner wants it back." I say my face turning grim.

The guy snorts. "They told me to take it when I needed it."

"I can guarantee that Macon Rivers did not say anyone could take his car." I sneer. "Now step out with your hands up, after handing over your license."

The guy went to pull something out of the glove box, and immediately I pull out my gun, knowing that Macon held a gun in there. "I said come out, with your hands up!" I bark out. The guy freezes, but then moves to grab the gun quickly. I shoot their wrist, and they scream in pain. I jerk the door open, and roughly rip him out the car, and onto the icy road, cop cars surrounding us.

"ASSAULT!" he screeches.

I chuckle. "Hey! Monetti! You see somethin'?" I shout back at her.

"I SAW SELF DEFENSE!" she screams to me.

I laugh, as I pull out some cuffs, then notice he had no I.D. on him. I pull his hood away, and glare at the teens face. "No I.D.? Must suck for you, you're going straight to Juvie for this." I tell the kid angrily. "After all, we all thought you were the chief's daughter's murderer." the kid winces as we jerk him into a car after wrapping his wrist in ice, and towels.

"Macon, I'm having an Officer drive your car to the station, I'll come pick you up." I tell him after dialing his number. I then nod at Monetti's partner, who eagerly hopped into the front seat, and started following everyone to the station. I blink and rub my eyes as I head down the familiar roads to Macon's place, and honk to make sure he knew I was here. He comes out while pulling on a jacket. I unlock the doors and he gets in.

"Thanks Dazy." he breaths as he sits down.

"No problem." I tell him as I pull out, then head to the station.

"Any idea who it was?"

"Some teen who thought it was funny." I tell him.

"Yeah, it might have been one of those kids I was watching yesterday, my spare went missing."

"Most likely, wanna call their parents when we get to the station?" I ask him. He nods, and I park in front, then step out. "We got close to catching Lucy's killer again." I tell him as we walk in.

He nods, and hugs me tightly. "I'll help, in anyway I can." he tells me.

I nod, and we head to where the kid was being patched up. "Hurts to get shot doesn't it?" I ask the teen. He nods. "That's what you get for trying to pull a gun out on an armed officer whose been trained." The kid nods again.

"Hey Troy, long time no see." Macon says cheerfully.

"Oh god." the kid groans.

"Yep, I knew you took my car," Macon says as he shakes his keys. "The spare was missing when I left yesterday."

The kid sighs, looking down.

"So, Macon, care to tell us who the hell this kid is?"

"HEY! I'm 15, I'm not a fucking kid."

"To me you are."

"Then that means-"

"Shut up," I bark at him, he shut up immediately.

"Happy early birthday." Macon sings out to me.

I roll my eyes. "Yay, I got to arrest someone for my early birthday present." I say sarcastically.

"You're not a happy person."

I glare down at the teen. "I am, but I hate being out and working at this time when I could be at home with my husband and kids." I snap. I sigh as I see Kyle come in with the girls, and Mac.

"I heard, did you catch him?" he asks loudly.

"No, we caught some kid who jacked Macon's car though." I say grinning, I kiss him lightly, then pull Mac out of Kyle's hands. I coo at him as I kiss his cheeks, then his forehead. "I wuv you Mac." I coo at him. He giggles, and coo's as I nuzzle his cheek.

"Mommy!" the girls cry, wanting attention.

I sigh, then hand Mac to Kyle, and get down on my knees, and hug my baby girls. "Hey babies, I love you, how was school today?" I ask them softly.

"Amazing! Mrs. Richards taught us how to paint pictures of horses!" I chuckle. Of course.

"Hey, Dazy,"

I turn to see my brother, so I smile and walk over. "Yeah?"

"Do you think who killed Lucy was..."


Dun Dun Dun! haha you gotta wait and see, Taylor has big plans for chapter 17. I hope you like it, cuz I rewrote it -Dazy:)

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