Catching up on the Death Run

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7 years later

The world sat still as I stood face to face with the woman. She was the exact same age as me, and I had been assigned to kill her. I knew what her name was, and a few facts about her, but when I actually saw her, I knew I couldn't do it. I looked over the paper that was given to me in my mind. 

NAME: Velvet Scarlatina

AGE: 24

RACE: Faunus-Rabbit

DESCRIPTION: Mid-cut brown hair, brown eyes

REASON FOR CAPTURE: Betrayed the White Fang and ran off with no reason, and stole various things, such as; 13 rations of food, 15 rations of water, 3 clothing articles, and 18 pounds of raw metal

I swallowed hard as I looked in her eyes. Her description was like was given on the paper, but there was much more to her. She was sweet. She was loving. She was generous. And I was assigned to kill her. But why? She most likely took those things for a greater good. Right? She was frowning at me. I patted down my short skirt. I had changed a lot sense we went to beacon together. I wore a black long sleeve sweater with a short denim skirt. I still wore too many scarves an d necklaces, but I had given up on the hat once I grew my hair out. My hair had grown out to the bottom of the skirt that I wore. I had blond streaks the littered my hair, until they all clumped together at the bottom to give me blond tips. Velvet had changed too, but not as much. She wore a long sleeve brown shirt with her emblem on it. Her pants were now black jeans with rips in them. She still kept her armor, though, and she still had her bunny ears. I scratched the fake cat ears they had given me to make her think I was a part of the White Fang. She finally broke the silence by saying, "So what are you here for? To take me back to the White Fang and to kill me? Is that what you want? Or do you want to just stare at me? You know, I have multiple people who would gladly kill you." I looked at her calmly, but in my head thought, Damn! She got sassy!  I started to walk around her and replied. " Oh, I am here to kill you, but I don't really want to. You see, if I did, I would get criticized as being racist against faunus or something. And I'm not. I was just given a job. But, because I am going to let you live, can I ask you some questions?" She rolled her eyes and sat on one of the many tree stumps that littered the forest. "What kind of questions? Ones that are about where I am going? What I am going to steal next? If I am coming back? Because I am not answering those ones." I sat on a stump in front of her. "No, personal questions. Where did you go to huntress school?" Her jaw dropped and she looked at me in bewilderment. "How did you know I went to huntress school? Who told you? Was it-" She stopped mid sentence and frowned. "Boys," She said and snapped her fingers. That was when the fun started.

Two men the same age as us came out from behind two trees. I recognized them instantly. One of them was Fox Alistair, the blind kid that was on our team, and his best friend, Yatsuhashi, who was also on out team. Team CFVY, or Coffee. Yup, those were good times. The pulled out their weapons, which were almost the exact same as back in the day. Fox still had his orange arm blades, and Yatsu still had his sword. Velvet took her box off of the ground and created a weapon I had never seen. It was a sword, but it had arrows attached to it. A crossbow-sword combo."Get her!" Velvet yelled and they ran at me. I smiled. "Fox! Yatsu! How are you! Velvet, you should really be kinder. I mean what's with the body guards?" I said as I jumped over their attacks. They all stared at me in amazement. "Do you guys not remember me? Here," I continued, taking off the ears and taking off my sunglasses. I smiled my signature smile and Velvet collapsed , looking at the ground. "It's okay, I don't hate you guys, just don't kill me, would you?" I laughed and sat next to Velvet on the ground. I smiled as I lifted up her head so she was looking me right in the eyes. She was crying. I slowly melted into a hug as I began to start sobbing. Fox and Yatsu both began to hug us as well. The day I left was a day I wouldn't ever forget. 


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