Chapter 9

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The chapter is dedicated to Complicated_Girl15. She is an amazing writer and as of yet she's producing this intriguing piece of art named, Clandestine. So please go ahead and give it a read, rest assured you'll fall in love with it immediately. ^_^

Voicemail of 20th February' 2015

02:10 p.m.

"Emma, hey,"

There was urgency in his voice this time; but it was a happy kind of urgency. Like when after a long and dreary winter, the sun finally peeks through the clouds and one rushes out to catch that long awaited glimpse of sunshine.

For the first time in the past few hours, the lightest shade of a smile had crept up my face.

"God I've missed you. I mean I still miss you, but I listened to your message before the voicemail. So yeah..."

He chuckled.

"I'm sorry for not calling sooner but I had been busy, you see. They finally released me from that sodding hell hole – or hospital as some fools may call it – a few days ago. After that I had been roaming around, trying to gather information, and guess what? Actually no, guess where I am right now?"

He waited then, probably again having forgotten that he was actually on recording. I chuckled at his foolishness that I couldn't help but find absolutely adorable.

Peculiarly enough, I could actually imagine a slight tinge of red on his cheeks as those cerulean blue eyes must have gone wide with realisation a second or two later.

How I was able to imagine all this since my brain claimed to hold no memories of him, I had no idea of.

Finally after a few seconds his voice came across again and broke me free from my paralysing train of thoughts.

"Oh right... I'm leaving a message. My bad,

"Anyways, I'll just tell you where I am myself then. So, dear love of mine, I'm standing in front of your parents' house."

The phone almost fell from my hand in shock.

No. Please, please no.

The slight traces of a smile which had managed to gloss my features had now retreated, leaving me looking like a complete and utter mess again.

God, please no. Please. Not this. No...

"A lot has changed in London after four years, Ems. It took me some time to get a hold of my surroundings. And after a number of misadventures, I finally came to my senses. All the places I could've gone to help for but your parents' never crossed my mind!

"I know I'm stupid, please don't remind me whenever you hear this.

"Anyways, that's the tale of how I'm standing right in front of their door, just about to ring the bell. Gosh, Ems, I'm nervous!"

He chuckled again. I couldn't even get myself to smile.

"It feels like I'm here to meet your parents for the first time! I mean, love, I don't think I was this nervous the day I proposed you!

"Okay so slight exaggeration there, I almost wet my pants that day, but you get the drift.

"I can't help but fantasise that I'll go inside and you'll be there waiting for me with that beautiful smile on your face that I love so, so much. I'll finally get to hold you in my arms again, Ems."

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