Chapter 12

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I wake up, leaning on Riker. Rocky was gone. I yawn and get up. I walk outside and see him feeding Racey. "Dude, why are you up so early?"

"Oh, hey Kacey." He grins and turns around. "Feeding Racey."

"Oh, yeah, thanks for notifying me, Captain Obvious."

"Are you hungry?"


"I'll cook breakfast." He smiles. He walks past me and inside. I stand there for a couple minutes when he pops his head back out. "Are you coming?"

"Y-yeah." I go inside and watch as Rocky makes pancakes. I eye him carefully. Something was up. "Rocky, what are you up to?" I question him.

He puts pancakes on a plate and passes it to me. "Something has to be up for me to make breakfast for my best friends and family?" He raises his eyebrows.

I think about it. "Yes, Rocky Mark Lynch. Yes it does."

He rolls his eyes and smiles. "EVERYONE GET UP, I MADE BREAKFAST!"

His siblings and Ratliff jump up and they start shoveling down pancakes. I laugh and start to eat too as Stormie and Mark come out and join us all. Rocky soon sits next to me and eats too. "They're really good, thanks, Rocky." I smile at him.

He smiles back. "Anything for you." He grins. Then, after a while, he gets up and goes upstairs. I follow him.

"Dude, what are you doing now?"

"I'm taking you out."

"Huh?" I laugh and sit down on his bed.

"It's Monday, so I decided we should make this Monday a cheery Monday. We're going out."

"Going out? Where?"

"Well, actually, I have to go.. so since you're my best friend, you get the honor of being the one I drag with me!" He grins.

"Yeah, I love getting that honor." I say sarcastically, rolling my eyes and smiling at him.

"Great! We all have to do an interview for some magazine and a Disney interview. So, you're going with us."

"I'll just be sitting somewhere out of camera-view."

"No, you're not!" He hands me some clothes. "Rydel picked them out for you yesterday. Because you're gonna be in the interview. Duh, Kacey, are you crazy or something?"

I laugh. I take the clothes. They were obviously Rydel's. But I decided to wear them anyway. I mean, she got them out for me to wear, I knew if I said no, she'd beg me to wear them. "Well, get out. I have to change. Duh, Rocky, are you crazy or something?"

He smiles and leaves. I change into the blue tutu, white tank-top, and matching blue vest. I also had on black leggings and blue converse that she lent me. I also had on a black belt. I look at my outfit in the mirror, and it was actually cute.

There's a knock on the door. "It's Rydel."

"Come in." I grin and turn around. She closes the door and then squeals. "What do you think?"

"I just showed you what I think!" She squeals again. "You look so pretty, Kacey!" She was wearing close to the same thing, except it was pink.

"Thanks, you do too!" I smile. I realized, it was fine, not being a tomboy all the time. I'm not saying, I'd ever be a huge girly girl, but being kind of like one occasionally, is fine. I actually liked wearing tutus. "Rydel, I'm going to hurt you." I cross my arms.

"What?" She laughs, knowing I'm not serious.

"For not showing me this side before! I like tutus, Rydel, it's a miracle!"

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