My personal reactions

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From the start, I was dragged into Addie's world. Despite not knowing her mission at the beginning of the book, I knew that she felt a sense of insecurity. One thing I'm a bit sad about this book was that I was hoping for a little romance between Darrow and Addie. Besides that and a few parts that were a bit slow-paste, I was completely thrilled.  I especially enjoyed the night of the party, where the big event occurred. I think it was sweet of Addie's step brother to let Addie go (a silver of hope), despite yearning for his father's approval and praise.

This book is fairly new, so I believe there is a chance of a second book. While I could imagine a second book about Addie's punishment (for stealing the program and working for a terrorist group) and her possible love with Darrow, I would rather it be just one good book. But I'm not entirely sure, what are your thoughts?

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