Prologue ~ How it all started

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Prologue ~ How it all started

~No POV~

This story starts when a boy is born. His name is Zayn Malik and his parents love him from the first time they see him. He's their little boy and they'll do everything to make him happy and raise him like he deserves to be raised.

Of course that didn't go as plan.

One of the things is he never speaks. In the 18 years he's been alive now, he's never said even one word. Of course his parents tried to get him to talk, but he just never did. It's like he isn't paying attention at all. He always stares off into space, never smiling.

 What his parents don't know is that he actually can talk. Zayn isn't stupid. He has the highest results in school without even studying.

That's another thing Zayn doesn't like.


It's like his own personal hell. The whole school thinks he's a weird boy that doesn't need to go to school due to his high scores on tests and even some rude words are thrown at him. Zayn just ignores them all. He doesn't even listen to them. Luckily most people leave him alone, but all of them think he's weird for never saying a word and never paying attention to anything.

Only two boys ever dared to hurt Zayn physical. They beat him up whenever they get the chance to. Zayn doesn't care at all. He let's it happen without one sound leaving his lips. His parents also don't know about this. How can they? No one tells them.

His parents only really get worried when they see Zayn standing outside one day after school. He's standing in the back garden when Tricia spots her son. His hair rustles in the wind and then she gasps at the thing she sees next.

Zayn's focus lands on a point in front of him and an actual smile forms at his lips.

A smile. Something she's never seen on his face before.

Quickly she yells at her husband to come and look. Soon he's standing next to her, gasping too when he sees Zayn's smile.

But what is he laughing at? they both wonder. They hope he doesn't have any imaginary friends now.

But there is no denying. Zayn, is staring at something that doesn't exists, smiling at it. Maybe it's time to send him to a psychiatrist, something they've been dreading to do.

What they don't see is that Zayn is actually smiling at someone. He had been standing outside, waiting for the wind to caress his skin and hair. He had waited for the moment the boy he wanted to see appeared. He formed in front of Zayn's eyes, made of wind.

He looks like an angel. Pale skin, blond hair,... Simply beautiful to Zayn.

Zayn knows who this boy is. He is the wind. The wind only he can see in his true form.

The one that makes sure the leafs fall in autumn.

The one that creates mighty storms.

The one who Zayn gave a name.


His wind.

A smile forms at his lips.


Okay, this is the prologue, I hope you all enojoyed it.

Dedicated to @NiallLoverx23 for her comment and vote. Thank you so much. It means a lot.

Also a massive thank you to @sarahoranlovesziall. Thank you for your amazing comments every single time. They make me smile.

She's an amazing friend and has a fantastic fanfic herself. Go check it out!

Oh me god! I almost have 1000 votes on Hidden eyes. I'm so happy. Thank you all for the ones who voted on that story.

Thank you all for reading. Please vote, comment, follow and share. I swear I'll update sooner if you do.

Oh and best comment = dedication

xx Lisa xx

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