1- Who Are They?

36 3 22

"Damn it"

Is all I can mutter after I have fallen from my bed early 7:23 in the morning. My stupid body decided that I didn't need a regular internal clock. It decided that I need one hyped up on sugar and drugs. So my high internal clock likes to find new ways to wake me, but most of the time it's me rolling out of bed and landing on the floor.

Since I was I already on the floor I decided to think about my next year at a new school.

Sophomore year....... Yay

I was going to foresting high school.
One fourth of the way into the year. Right when everyone was already lumped into their own respective friend groups and I will be the loner everyone will refer to as Pocahontas because I was Native American.

It's nothing new.

Deciding that I shouldn't sulk in darkness I raise my hand to my windowsill and tilt it to the right as light enters my dim room.

That is what I like to call light bending.

Yea I watch to much avatar and I felt like one of them, sad I know. However the point is that I have am able to control or at least guide natural and artificial light.

It came to be at the age of 12 and I never made sense of it. Since it didn't help that I was in my Harry Potter phase and I believed I was wizard and I would go out and look for owls to see if I could find my Acceptance letter. That lead to me getting nasty scar on my left arm.

After that i just let myself believe I was a freak of nature. Which of course I could not tell anyone because that would eventually lead me to be kicked out.

My parents are both native Americans so you would think that all there spiritual endeavors would make them more understanding to my ability. Yet it is exactly the opposite. Both my parents where adopted into regular American families who didn't make an effort to teach them their culture. So I am living like a regular American teenager.

Which kinda sucks because if someone asked me about Native American culture, I was unable answer them and it was kinda embarrassing.

So being just another Native taken away from their culture by "the white man" they made to believe that anything that couldn't be explained by science needed to be burned in hell.

After countless days of trying to help them understand that supernatural things were good, they just didn't believe. Leaving me with all attempts  failed and me keeping the ability to myself and as selfish as it seems use it to my own advantage.

That included things like keeping the sun off me on hot days, moving necessary sunlight for heating food outside, and bringing needed light into my room in the morning before school.


Slowing turning my head to my alarm clock, I find myself cursing under my breath.

"Damn it, 7:56. I need to stop talking to myself in the morning"

First day of new school and I'm going to be late!

My stupid new school starts at 8:50
An hour later than my old school, which prompted me to be more excited for the change but the extra hour of sleep only makes life harder.  

Leaping from the floor as fast as an extremely sleepy person could I rush into the bathroom to quickly do my business as I think of a plan to minimize the amount of time spent in there.

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