Chapter 11: A Night To Remember

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"What did Klaus want?" I asked Marcel when he came back into the bedroom. I was currently reading a book. "He wants to rule together." Marcel didn't look too pleased. He was used to getting what he wants without having to share.

Eventually it was time for dinner. As we ventured down to the dining hall, I took my usual seat next to Marcel. The dinner atmosphere wasn't the same and I had lost my appetite. As Klaus walked in and took a seat, he rambled on about something but I blocked him out, ignoring his stupid rant that probably didn't pertain to me anyways.

I excused myself from dinner without giving a reason why, and I knew in a few minutes Marcel would be right behind me, asking what was wrong. I heard a knock at the bedroom door as I got comfortable with my book. "Come in." I yelled, too lazy to answer the door myself, plus it was probably just Marcel.

The door opened and I looked to see that Klaus had walked in. "You left dinner." He said immediately. "I wasn't hungry." I answered quietly. The awkward silence was getting too much to bare and I was relieved when he spoke. "Do you forgive me?"

I put my book down and fiddled with my hands, "I don't want to because I know it's not the right thing to do considering all you've done, but I have this gut feeling that I should and everyone deserves a second chance. So yes, I forgive you Niklaus Mikaelson." I watched Klaus smile and laugh, like he won the grand prize or something. "Would you mind going with me tonight?" He asked. "After all, you did promise me that you'd spend a day with me, and I prefer the night. How does tonight sound to you?" He asked me. The thought of running through New Orleans at night with Klaus was very tempting.

"What are we gonna do?" His idea peaked my interest. "I'm going to show you what it's like to live a little." Klaus smirked. I nodded my head and smiled, being brave about the whole thing. I wanted to go, believe me, but Klaus was still a bit scary, I don't know him well enough yet. "Awesome! But I want to be back home by eleven." I told him.

"Then we should get going, you have a few minutes to get ready, I will be back to get you." Klaus pulled the door shut as he left and I rushed to get dressed. I slid into the bathroom and put a simple red sundress on, hoping it was okay for whatever he had planned. I exited the bathroom and Marcel was sitting on the bed. I jumped when I noticed him glaring at me.

"A night out with Klaus?" I could sense the jealously in Marcel's voice. He and I were not dating. We were simply roommates and I heard that he liked me. I liked Marcel, but I honesty didn't think we would last very long. "Just for the night. I'll be back by eleven." Marcel reached into his pocket and pulled out a sparkly box with a ribbon around "Open it." He said holding the box towards me.

I ripped the ribbon off and couldn't wait to see what was inside. I didn't understand why Marcel would buy me a gift though. I opened the box and saw a diamond bracelet. It was embedded with small diamonds on the sterling silver band. It was beautiful.

"Marcel... This is so beautiful. Thank you." I wrapped my arms around his neck, hugging him tightly. "It's laced with vervain. Wear it tonight so I know Klaus can't compel you." Marcel moved close to me and put the bracelet on my wrist. "Goodbye." Marcel said. I told him goodbye and hugged him again. I walked down to The French Quarter and waited for Klaus.

I waited a few minutes before I heard the english accent that drove me mad, and gave me butterflies. "You look beautiful." I blushed and a second later I could feel the hot breath on my neck. "Absolutely ravishing." I turned slowly and thanked him. Klaus smiled and suddenly he picked me up and vampire speeded through the streets.

Everything went by so fast that when he set me down it took a few minutes to register where we were. I smiled knowing that he came to the park, but at dark was beyond me.

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