Chapter 3: Welcome to New Orleans

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I seen the sign ahead.

You are now entering New Orleans.

I went and checked into a cheap motel so I could get some rest. I got a shower and laid down in bed. I was so exhausted I didn't even bother eating. I closed my eyes and went to sleep, my father on my mind.

I woke up the next day and got dressed. If this was going to be my new life, then I had to find a job. I picked up the local paper and I searched around the city looking for places that were hiring. I sadly found none, feeling like a complete failure. I wandered off into a cemetery and wondered if my father got a proper burial service like these people did. I noticed a guy staring at me and he followed me around, but I pretended to not notice him. I stopped to sit on a bench and I assume the guy went away because I haven't seen him for awhile.

"Don't move." A voice growled in my ear. I felt a hand go around my mouth and a gun being pointed to my temple. "Give me everything you have or I'll kill you." He said calmly. I pulled out my wallet and gave him my 850 dollar savings that I brought with me from Vermont. "Thanks... Now, I'm going to count to three and I'm going to pull the trigger." He laughed and stuffed my money into his pockets.

"One," the word gave me shivers and I clenched my eyes shut, praying that somehow God was on my side today. "Please don't..." I mumbled out, shaking with fear. "Two." He said louder than before and started to pull back the trigger.

"Thr-" he started to say,but stopped mid sentence. His hand was no longer over my mouth. The gun wasn't at my temple anymore either. I slowly got up and turned around to see three guys. Blood was around one of there mouths. "Vampires." I said to myself. I guess these guys are everywhere. "That was a close one." A deep voice said from behind me. I turned around to see a man, and he was extremely handsome in my opinion.

"I'm Marcel." He said extending his hand towards me. "Thank you." I shook his hand, with a smile. "So, you know about vampires?" He asked with curiosity. "Yes." I admitted and looked behind me at the other men, who gazes I could feel burning a hole in my back. "Are you new to town?" Marcel asked.

"Yup." I nodded my head and looked around the cemetery. "What brought you here?" " dad died." I whispered out, still not used to saying it. Marcel frowned and placed his hand on my shoulder. "I'm very sorry for your loss." I felt tears in my eyes start to build and tried my best to keep them bottled up. "It's okay to cry over a loved one."He said rubbing my shoulder. I nodded my head and fixed myself up. I had to be strong.

"Where you from?" Marcel asked changing the subject. "Vermont." "You have a place to stay?" He asked. "I'm staying in a motel until I find a job so I can get an apartment."

"I run this town, why don't you come and stay with me for a while, you'll be under full protection." Marcel's offer didn't sound too bad. I'd have a place to stay, food to eat, but something about this sounded all to good to be true. "You're not gonna drink my blood and leave me for dead, are you?" I asked Marcel with all seriousness. Marcel threw his head back with laugher. "No, I'm not." He smiled and I felt myself blush.

"Okay, well what about my car?" I asked. "It's back at the motel." Marcel looked to one of the men behind me. "Diego." The man stepped forwards. "Give him your keys, he'll go get it." Marcel said. I took the keys out of my pocket and handed them over to Diego. "Shall we go then?" Marcel asked. "Sure" I hope I made the right choice.

We walked around New Orleans and I listened as Marcel told me how he owns this town and controls the witches. People respect him and honor him as if he saved their lives. I liked a man who had power. "Yeah, you know I'm not usually friends with vampires." I spoke up. "And why's that?" Marcel asked smirking. "Before my dad died, we all lived in North Carolina, with my stepmom. My stepmother was a paranormal researcher. She was obsessed with vampires and wanted to become one, but I didn't know any of this until awhile ago. Anyways, she turned into a vampire, my dad thought they killed her, so he started researching vampires as well. He became a hunter, killing any and all vampires. I never really hated vampires though, I was just raised to hate them. But, my dad and I moved to Vermont, then he moved to Virginia. He actually became friends with vampires and stuff. He sent me letters about some scary original family, and how dangerous they are, but I've never met them. He died because the original witch came back to life and turned him into a super vampire hunter. But somehow in the process he died." I said explaining the whole story to him.

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