Chapter 3 || Reminder of Mortality

Start from the beginning

"I-I just can't yet, there is so much to be done around here," he gives his tried excuse. 

"Right," she says, and there is a tinge of sadness behind it, as she smiles and adds, "Well, I'm here for you whenever you want to start. Remember,  I am a bit of a tracker myself." Chuckling at herself to ease the air, Greg watches as she bends down to place a light peek on his cheek, before running upstairs to change. 

She leaves promptly, and Greg hands her a quick lunch he threw together.  As soon as she is out the door he begins research but not on his death on werewolves. There must be something, anything about what happened to Mary. 

Six re-runs of The Graham Norton Show later and still nothing. "Ugh!" he groans, pushing away from the screen. "This is useless!"

That's when he begins to feel it. The strange tingles, he gets every now and then. He's not sure what they are from or what triggers them. No spirit is really given a manual like in Beatlejuice. They start within his fingertips and spread quickly up to his arms and down his spine until they have taken over his whole body. It feels as though his body is humming. There is nothing he can do so he just sits there for a moment and tries to wait it out. In these moments he feels the most alone and isolated because, honestly, who would understand. Who am I supposed to talk to about this? Sure, Ander has been around the longest and has witnessed the most supernatural, but has a ghost truly sat down and talked to him like that. Doubtful. He was a bit busy at the time killing hundreds and being the biggest threat to humanity during those times. 

Vampires are not creatures that are easy to look up, but that doesn't mean it's not possible. When Greg first met Ander, he went into his past briefly and he spoke on the 'vegan' transformation he experienced thanks to a woman, who to this day remains nameless to both Greg and Mary. But other than that, Greg really didn't know much else about Ander, so began the research into his past. I love to research. 

Greg discovered that Ander was alive during the Black Death, yes that Black Death. He was fearsome and dangerous before the transformation as there are lores that have been created about him. Greg couldn't read them all for the ones he did read had him looking at his friend in another light. 

Greg must not have been a good enough actor when it came to hiding the new information he uncovered for one night. 

We were sitting on the couch together watching Father Ted, my all-time favorite show. Anyway, Ander seemed gloomy, which is rare, so I asked what was the matter. "Greg, I know you researched me," he chuckled. "I would probably do the same if I was friends with a monster."

"You're not a monster, Ander," I tried, but I could hear the lie coming out of my own voice. 

"Save it, mate. It's alright. I have accepted it, but I need you to promise me something." I nodded quickly. "If I ever go back to that life I need you to kill me. No question about it. Right on the spot."

I was shocked. The mere idea of killing Ander seemed impossible. How could he even ask this of me? But then I saw the look on his face and I remembered the stories I had read of the vampire he once was. He didn't want to be that ever again. 

"Do you understand, Greg? Not a question. Just do it. I can't ask Mary to do it. She's strong but already struggles with the feelings of being a monster. Besides, you're my best friend, and I know you will do right by me. Listen, I have a wooden stake under my bed."

"What the bloody hell are you doing with a steak under your bed? Are you mad? Is this the part of our friendship when I learn you are cracked in the head?" I exclaim.

Ander simply laughs, "No, that's the way I want to go. Just right through the heart. I will try my best not to resist," he adds solemnly.

"And that last part was supposed to convince me you're not cracked? Well,  good job. I'm willing to hand, you, over a weapon! Ander, are you mad? Why would you keep the one thing that could kill under your bed?" I ask, not seeing any sense at all to his logic. Then, I remember his friendship with Mary and realize he is constantly surrounded by his own demise. Through stake or werewolf bite. 

"It's a reminder of mortality. I have non, but the possibility of death lingering around me gives me one. You see?" He asks, pleading with me to understand with his eyes. He needs me to understand. I'm not sure why, but I agree. 

"I do. Yes, Ander. I swear to you that if the time ever comes, I will stake you," I say, but I can't help the cheeky smile that spreads across my face. "I will be your staking husband to have and to hold-" I begin, but he jumps onto me.

"That's all I ask for, my love," he states, holding my head and planting a kiss on my cheek.

We are both rolling on the couch laughing when Mary walked through the door. "Hey, what did I miss?"

"Um, this episode was brilliant!" I remark. Ander mouths, 'thank you.' 

By the time Greg has finished roaming down his trails of memory the tingles have at last ended. Those are yet another part of being in the spirit realm that Greg has kept a secret from his friends. It's not as though they are ever around when it happens, making it so easy to simply not discuss it. I'm not saying choice is a great one, but it is my choice nonetheless. 

† ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ † 

Hey, fellow bookworms! I really hoped you liked getting the perspective of Greg, and a little more insight on Ander and Mary. Thank you so much for reading and supporting the book! Feel free to comment below, I would love to hear some feedback. Also, if you liked the chapter be sure to vote!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2022 ⏰

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