Chapter 1 || The Sun Is A Beast

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"Just hold me," she whispers lightly to me, tugging desperately on my arm. Her usual warm fingers are cool to the touch even for me. The sound of her heartbeats becoming more and more infrequent. 

"Anything. I have you." I cradle her small body close to my chest. It's happening. She is slipping. 

"Psst...Ander", a gentle voice pokes into Anders's mind, slowly coaxing him awake. Trying hopelessly to hold on to the image of her face, knowing soon she will slip through his fingers as she always does. The voice speaks again, and Ander groans loudly to inform the invading voice of his newfound awakeness.   

"Ugh is right. Come on then! We have a guest!" Greg calls, pure excitement dripping from his voice. As per usual the notion of Greg's soon happiness has rendered completely oblivious to the fact that a very sleepy Ander has yet to even open an eye. "Ander!" The transparent ball of energy screams. 

"Ahh, what you want?" Ander groans once more at the man beside his bed, turning to make out his currently bothersome roommate. Ander lets out a dark hiss as the sun rays enter his iris. Although he has tinted windows the light still troubles him because of the lack of human blood. He believed it to be but a myth; however, the vegan diet, as he likes to call it, has made it more difficult to be up and about during the day. Not impossible just difficult. "Greg the sun is up, so why am I?" Ander asks, keeping his eyes shut, but he could easily sense Gerg to know where to look.  

"Go to the door, and look," Greg urges, pulling the covers off of Ander's cold dead body. 

"Curse you! I am warm and cozy, and you want to take that away from me! Why, Greg? Why?"  Ander pleaded, reaching out to try to grab his covers but Greg dashed out of Anders bedroom, and down the stairs, covers in hand. "You monster!" Ander shouts after the chuckling Greg.

It took Ander mere seconds to zip out of his bed and down the stairs to where Greg was laughing manically. As Ander is now standing in his nickers, his dark hair shooting in every direction as a mangled mess, and his brows are pushed together to show his obvious anger. "Cover-up will ya? We have a guest as I have so eloquently informed you." Greg adds, through innocent batted eyelashes. 

"Hand me my covers and I'll be more than happy to cover up for you there, Gregory. Wouldn't want to inconvenience you or your guest with my nudity," his voice dripping with disdain.  

"Oh, I don't mind one bit, but as I've said our guest might." Yanking the covers from Greg, Ander wraps them around his exposed body and does his best to minimize the amount of sunlight that might try to come in contact with him. Although sunlight does not affect a vampire, who drinks human blood, sunlight can very much affect a vampire leaving off of an animal diet. Covered up looking like a comforter ghost, he opens the door to discover a little girl, right around seven standing on top of the porch staring at him with big blue waiting eyes. Her pigtails are on either side of her little special-issued hat. "Excuse me, sir, would you like to buy some cookies," she recites with a smile. 

"One moment," Ander smiles back at the little girl not that she could really see the said smile. She nods. Closing the door behind him to glare at Greg. He states through slightly gritted teeth, "An urgent guest, uh. Bloody hell, you woke me up for cookies, Greg." With another moan of annoyance, Ander thinks back to his warm bed. 

"A simple thank you is all I require," Greg smiles, pleased with himself, his pale blues closing as if awaiting the words of gratitude to come out of Ander's mouth. 

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