Returning to school

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A/N- I don't know why but I just really like the picture above⬆️.

Kurapika's P.O.V.

"What the heck Y/N! You could bleed to death! This is a very deep wound. Why didn't you let me see it before?" I heard Leorio scream. "I don't know. I didn't think it was that important." Y/N said. "Yeah, okay. I want the truth." Leorio said. "I didn't want to cause any more trouble than I already have. You shouldn't have come and got me." Y/N said. "We came to get you because we love you Y/N. We don't want anything to happen to you. Remember that." I said. "We need to get back before school starts. People will get suspicious." Killua said. "Not until I treat that wound. If she goes any further, she might die." Leorio said.

We took a small break from running to let Leorio treat Y/N's wound. "Is it really that bad, Leorio?" I heard Y/N say. "It's not the worst thing I've seen, but it is still a deep wound." Leorio said. "I'll carry her home. That way she won't put any strain on her stomach." I said. "No, that really isn't necessary. I can run on my own." Y/N said. "I can see it in your eyes, Y/N. You're in a lot of pain." I said. "O-okay." She said.

Your P.O.V.

Everyone was running except me. I felt really bad that it wasn't fair, since I was the reason they were doing this in the first place and I was doing the least amount of work.


  We had made it home. We still had about five hours before school started. It was already Monday( if the day doesn't go along with the story. Oh well let's pretend it's Monday💛 ). We decided that we all should get some sleep before going to school. I couldn't get any sleep. I guess I got enough from when I passed out when I was with Milluki. I just got a shower and tried to get cleaned up to where I didn't look like I was just in a fight to the death. I was wearing a long shirt that completely cover my wound. There was nothing I could do for the scars and scratches on my face, arms, and legs. If anyone asks, I'll just say I was being clumsy and fell.

TIME SKIP ( To when everyone was ready to go to school )

Killua's P.O.V.

  I kept noticing Y/N stumbling and limping every so often. It really pained me to see her like this. "Y/N are you sure you're okay to go to school? You can stay home if you want to." I told her. "No. I'm okay. I just need to tough it out. I'll be fine. I just need to make sure I don't fall. That's kind of hard." Y/N said. "Leorio, do you have any crutches?" I asked him. "Yeah, they're at the house." He said. "Okay. Can Y/N use them?" I asked. "Of course" he said and smiled. I ran back to the house and grabbed the crutches and then ran back really fast. "Here Y/N, these will help you walk." I said and handed the crutches to Y/N. "Thank you, Killua." She said and smiled.

Your P.O.V.

  I was walking to 1st class with Kurapika. We were just talking, mainly about what my family did to me. We entered the class and I got a bunch of looks. I must have forgot, I look like I was in a cat fight. I could hear people whispering "Do you think she got into another fight with Claire?" A girl said. "No, I wasn't in any fight. I just accidentally injured myself." I lied.    "O-oh o-okay." The girl said and I walked away and sat by Kurapika.

  "I hate lying to people. I can't believe that they actually think that I accidentally injured myself this bad. You would think I would be questioned further." I said to Kurapika. "People here will believe anything you say." He said. "I suppose it's better than them saying I got into another fight with Claire." I said. "You are right about that. If it makes you feel better, just tell them the summed up version of what actually happened. You were taken and tortured. That's all you have to say." Kurapika said. "People would definitely question that further." I said. "I'll get over it." I muttered.

TIME SKIP( to second class )

  I was walking with Kurapika once again when I stumbled even with the crutches and fell. I hit the floor on my stomach. "Oww, oww, oww." I muttered. "Y/N, are you okay?" Kurapika asked and helped me up.     "Y-yeah I'm fine. I just hit my stomach hard. I hope it didn't make it start to bleed badly again. I would hate to bother Leorio with it." I responded. "Okay" Kurapika said.

TIME SKIP( to lunch, the best part of the day )

Gon's  P.O.V.

  I was walking to lunch with Killua. "Do you think Y/N is okay? I saw her fall today after 1st class." I stated. "Really? Anyways, I'm sure Y/N is fine. It probably just hurt. It seems that they tortured Y/N worse than they ever did to me." Killua said. "Yeah,when we came to get you. You just had scratches on your torso. Y/N had them all over her body and a deep wound on her stomach." I said. "Yes, you are correct. We'll see her in a minute though." Killua said.

Your P.O.V.

  Turns out that when I fell, my stomach did start to bleed badly. Leorio was tending to it again. I really hate to cause him all this trouble. "Hey Y/N, are you feeling any better "Tara said as she went and stood next to Killua. "Yeah, I feel better than I did yesterday.  Thanks for worrying." I said. "Hmm" she hummed. "Where's Sarai?" Gon asked. "She's eating lunch with Gage" Tara said.

  "Y/N, you need to eat something." Kurapika said. "I'm not hungry." I pouted. "Will you please just eat a little?" He asked. "No!" I said. "Okay, fine, you win." He said putting his hands in the air. "People have been spreading rumors that you got into another fight with Claire." Killua said. "I know. I wish they would shut up. If I somehow got into another fight with Claire, she would be the one who looked like this." I said and everyone laughed. I tried to laugh, but immediately stopped because it hurt so much.

  A guy came up to me. "What happened to you? You look awful and I know that Claire didn't do this to you, so that means the rumors are fake. I'm Kai by the way." He said. "I just merely injured myself accidentally doing something stupid. I didn't get into another fight with Claire and I don't  want to get into a fight with her. I'm    Y/N, nice to meet you." I said and put on a smile. "Okay then, bye. Hope to see you again." He said and smiled, then walked off. "What is up with that guy?" I heard Kurapika mutter under his breath. "Jealous?" I said playfully.    "W-what? N-no." He said flustered with a tint of pink in his cheeks. "Okay. If you say so." I said sarcastically and laughed.


  A/N- Hey guys. I've reached 100 readers on this story. I'm so thankful for your support. I love you guys so much. Byee💙💙




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