Chapter Five: Numbers 9 And 10

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No-one's POV

They always knew that Kim and Alix would end up together. Their faces as they came back into the library proved something happened.

All of them pretty much new what was going on so no one brought it up.

"Kim?" Said Alya in a teasing tone of voice.

"It's your turn to choose a numb-KIM!"
Rose tried to get his attention but it didn't work.

He had completely zoned out.

"Never mind him, I'll go next." Volunteered Alya.

"WAIT!" Nino yelled

The class turned their heads to face him.

"What?" Alya responded.

"To make things interesting, choose two cards instead of one," Nino explained, with and evil smirk on his face.

Alya's eyebrows raised. She was clearly intrigued.

Alya picked two cards. 2 and 7. No. That wasn't going to work. This here, what Nino had given here is an opportunity. She faced the class and 'read' out the numbers.

"Numbers 9 and 10" Alya announced with a wink to Nino.

Marinette knew she was 9, but who was 10?

Before she even had a chance to figure it out who it was, Alya had already asked number 10 truth or dare.

"Truth." After hearing just one word she instantly knew who it was. Adrien.

Alya seemed like her world deflated. She had been hoping for a dare.

Adrien saw the mischievous grin Alya was proudly wearing and didn't want nothing to do with that.

So he chose a safe option. Truth.

"You know, pretty boy, it doesn't matter what you chose. When I'm in control no option is safe."

Adrien and Marinette gulped.

"Your truth is.... Are you aware that the Parisian Institution of Arts have dorm rooms that are boy-girl?"

"Yes...." Marinette responded.

"But what does that have to do with us?" Adrien asked.

"Patience my child. As for part two of this truth..." Alya began

"PART TWO!!" our heroes yelled.

"Yes. Do you know that that letter in your bags tell you who your roommate is?" The second she said that the whole room burst into an uncontrollable fit of laughter.

They all had understood what had happened.

Alya had went through Marinette's after seeing a PIA letter. After reading it through noticed who her roommate was.

Alya had inspected to see whether her roommate had their letter present too. They did.

Marinette quickly rushed over to her bag and pulled out the letter.

"You opened it!?" She yelled but really it wasn't a surprise.

She skimmed down to the living arrangements section to find her roommate.

Unbeknownst to her Adrien was doing the same. Only he found out first.

"Marinette" he said aloud.

Marinette just looked at him confused but continued on skimming through the document in her hands.

As she got to the bottom of the page she read it aloud, the same way Adrien did.

"Adrien," she breathed. The room once again was in tears. Alya and Nino well ahead though.

"I don't know what's so funny! Me and Mari are going to be roommates for 4 years. So what. It's not like she's a stranger. She like my best friend!" Adrien exploded.

Everyone stopped laughing and settled back down.

"Ok. That hurt." Mari thought.

Juleka spoke up ending the silence that fell over them, "maybe we should hit the hay, plus we can just talk?" 

Everyone was pretty much in board. So they all retreated to their sleeping bags and turned out the lights.

After an hour of joking and talking and memories, everyone had dozed of. Leaving our two superheroes awake, staring at the ceiling.

Marinette, thinking the rest of the class was asleep, climbed out of her sleeping bag and headed out the door.

Adrien followed her out the door, up the stairs, through corridors he didn't even know existed until she finally reached a bright red door labelled "ROOF"

Roof.She was going to the roof.

He followed her up there and watched her lean against the railing looking out into the Paris night.

"Knock knock," Adrien said.

Marinette wasn't even startled. She knew full well that he was there.

"Come in" she said jokingly.

He walked over and stood beside her.

"So tonight was..."

"...interesting" Marinette finished.

Adrien nodded.

"Roommates huh?" Adrien sighed.

He didn't know how to feel. He was overjoyed that he would be sharing a room with her. The girl that he undeniable had a crush on.

He was also concerned as well. Her reaction didn't give any emotion away.

"Yeah... Is that ok?" She asked. She began to think that he didn't want to be her roommate.

He didn't know how to respond.

He wanted to jump up and down and scream, 'yes, yes, YES!'

But he didn't. Instead he took her by the shoulders and looked right into her eyes.

"Why wouldn't that be ok?"

Marinette just smiled.

They continued
"Uh.. Is getting cold we should probably head back in." Marinette spoke up.

Adrien nodded and led her back through the corridors and into the library.

They both got into their sleeping bags. They were laying in a way that their heads were touching.

Marinette quickly went to sleep and Adrien turned over into his stomach.

He lifted his head so his head was hovering over hers. He bent down and kissed her forehead.

He sighed and whispered, "I can't wait, roomie"

He soon fell asleep and into a blissful dream.

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