Chapter 1: My Life

Start from the beginning

I crawled into my bed and went to sleep.


I heard the alarm go off as my mother screamed at me to get my lazy ass up and leave her house already. I quickly got up, soon realizing the clothes I was wearing already were the only ones left. The rest of my clothes smelled so bad and perfume wouldn't even be close to disguise the horrendous smell. It didn't matter how I looked anyway, I'd still be an outcast anyway. I brushed my teeth and put my tangled hair in a bun, when I looked at the clock it was 6:50. I was going to be late for school.

I grabbed my phone and headphones and ran down stairs and quickly grabbed my book bag. I locked the door and ran to the bus stop.




I walked into the building, pushing the doors open just for the warmth to greet my whole body. I felt sick to my stomach, I had a gut feeling that something was odd.

As I made my way through the hallway I was pushed to the cold hard floor. I looked up to see who had pushed me. When I saw their face it was no one other than Jack. Jack is my ex-boyfriend. He cheated on me with my best friend Mary, or should I say my ex-best friend.

They both broke my heart.


It was a Saturday night and Jack, Mary and I were watching a movie. I felt a little bit cold so I got up and went up stairs to go get my hoodie.

It took me about 2 minutes to find it and when I walked down stairs I saw to my surprise my best friend making out with my boyfriend. I was shocked when I saw them, my anger took over my body I couldn't take it anymore, I exploded.

"WHAT THE FUCK?!" I yelled with anger. Jack and Mary pushed each other way and turned around to looked at me.

"Valerie I'm so sorry it's just-," I cut off Mary.

"Please just stop, don't try to lie to me. I don't want drama right now, just please both of you go and don't talk to me ever again, and Jack...we're over." I said in a calm voice trying not to let my anger control me. Jack and Mary just looked at me and left.

After they left I walked to my room and locked the door. I walked to my bed and laid there, then I finally broke down.

"Why would they do this to me? Why?" I asked myself with tears rolling down my cheeks.

I stared to cry out my pain and then I closed my eyes hopping that I would wake up to a better life and hoping that my mother wasn't abusive any more, that my dad never left us, but I know that it was never going to happen. I would always have a terrible life. I would probably die alone because I would never find the right guy.


"Hey next time watch were you're going loser." Jack sneered and then walked away. I got up and walked to my class.




I had no where to sit and no friends to talk to, all of my friends either moved away or left me for the popular kids. I had lunch alone, I looked at the table that was filled with all of my friends that left, especially my ex-best friend, Mary, and my ex-boyfriend, Jack.

Mary and Jack were dating and they would always kiss in the hallway every time I walked by. I hated everything about my life.

I just couldn't wait for school to finally be over so I could no longer be bullied and beaten by the people that I once called my "friends", I was waiting for summer to come.


The bell finally rang, after watching the clock slowly count down to summer vacation. Everyone rushed out the classrooms and ran out to say their final goodbyes to their friends, I just walked to my bus.

~2 Months later~

Summer was almost over and I was just laying on my bed watching TV when I got a text. I looked at my phone, it was a text from my brother Cody.


( V= Valerie C= Cody )

C- Hey val, what's up?

V- Nothing just watching TV.

C- Hey I got great news that you're going to love.

V- What is it?

C- Well, I was looking at an apartment and the rent was pretty good so I paid for the apartment and well....IT'S YOUR'S NOW!!!

V- Wait, WHAT?!

C- Now you can finally move out and start a new life, YOU'RE WELCOME!



V- But wait, don't you live in Canada?

C- Yeah don't worry I'll come and get you, just start packing I'll be there on Saturday, okay? I have to go now, bye!

V- Bye!


I couldn't believe it, was I really moving to Canada? Me? Oh my gosh...


Hey hope you enjoyed my first story EVER!! BTW I'm not that good when it comes to writing so don't hate me! Just bare with me. HOPE YOU GUYS ENJOYED

Hope u guys give it a VOTE, COMMENT or maybe follow me. BYE my sexy cookies!!

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