From the mention of the name, Y/N fully woke up. She pulled herself out of bed and out of the room to Lauren's side. "What about him?"

"We saw him." Chris said as he checked the bathroom and the closets. "He's here. Somewhere." He said through gritted teeth.

"How - where?" Lauren said, matching their voices with panic.

Chris balled his fists, "I called Chandler this morning to meet up for coffee before we would come here to make sure you two make your flight." He was fuming, his face turning red. "He was - he was in a car. He had a black hat on with the number 21 on it. It was brief, but I know it was him. It - it was him. The car was headed here - to this hotel. We needed to get here before he did."

Little did they know, Junie was there.

He was standing in the room right below them. He had wires hooked up to the ceiling, listening in on their conversation. He clenched his jaw, cursing himself for being careless. He got carried away with getting away with this for too long that he grew careless. He shook his head, running to the wall and punching it with all the force he had in himself.

And last night, he had listened in on his sister and Lauren all night long. He was twisted in a way that was hard to describe. He knew what was going on. They were having sex. But he still chose to listen to it. He listened to the moans his sister and her wife made and he just sat in the chair in the corner of the room and... listened. He was screwed off in the head. Being away only made him worse. Being away only made him want to hurt his sister even more. He didn't even care about his appeal anymore.

Junie began to the pace the room. It was hard for him to keep a low profile already and now more people than just his sister knew where he was. He knew he couldn't threaten all of them, there wasn't much he could keep as leverage over them. He didn't even know what the hell he was doing anymore, he just knew that within every single day, people were closing in on him and he needed more time. He needed more time to figure out what he was doing and how to not go back to prison or the institution.

His walls were crumbling and he just knew that there possibly wasn't much he honestly could do. He slowed his pace down though when Chris continued.

"You two need to go." He claimed. "Now. Just get an earlier flight and just leave."

Y/N nodded her head, agreeing. "He's right." She said lowly, then met her wife's eyes. "We need to leave. There's no way in hell Junie can get out of the country, he's on America's Most Wanted list, there's no way he could get passed security."

Lauren looked at Y/N in disbelief, "I'm not leaving everyone I love to deal with your psychotic brother."

Y/N took a deep breath and Lauren's hands in her own. "I can't have anything happen to you. Not you." Her voice cracked, thinking of the nightmare she had just had. "Please... or you go and I can handle him. He's my brother - he won't do anything to me. You need to go though."

Lauren's eyes widened, "No. Hell no! I'm not leaving anyone - "

"You need go." Chris demanded of his sister. "I'm serious." He glanced at his sister-in-law. "Y/N and I can do this, together."

"And then I can meet you there in a few days." Y/N told her confidently, making sure her voice doesn't waver. "Just - just think of it as me running a few errands, okay? And I'll take a flight to you by Friday."

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