The Beginning..Chapter 1

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                                                                    Taken Away 

                                                                   The Beginning

                                                                       Chapter 1

Cathy was walking home from Big Jim's grocery store with two middle size bags of food, wondering if she had enough for supper tonight's meal. Cathy wanted to fix a good supper for her family that night. As she was walking home from the grocery store, she starts humming the song she heard this morning on the radio; "We are having a baby. That song just kept going through her head, until she felt so carefree and a live for once in her life. She caught herself dancing a few steps as she was walking home. Before she knew it, she was singing the song aloud. 

We're having a baby, my baby and me 

You'll read it in Winchell's 

That we're adding a limb to our family tree 

We're pushing our carriage 

How proud I will be 

There's nothing like marriage 

Ask your mother and father and they'll agree 

He'll have toys and baby clothes 

He'll know he's come to the right house 

By and by, when he grows 

Maybe he'll live in the White House 

Our future gets brighter 

But definitely 

We're having a baby 

We're having a baby 

My baby and me 

By: Desi Arnaz 

The more she sang the song the better she felt about things, which was really going badly here lately. She never knew from one minute to the next minute what was going to happen to her. However, for this one moment she knew she was fine and unborn baby that she found out today was healthy. That is why she felt so good about singing that song. She is having a baby girl, her very first child. How lucky could she get? She is only turned fifteen years old three months ago and within two weeks, her parents threw her out of there house when they found out she was pregnant. Therefore, the only thing she knew she could do was to get married. Her mom told her she was too young to have a baby; that she was taking her to have abortion by a swamp witch doctor that she knew. So of course, she got married, because no way was she losing her baby. As a result, she and Archie got married two days later, behind their backs. 

She finally gets home, walking up the steps to the front porch, and then she opens the front door. She hears the radio playing at full blast, but no one was in sight. Cathy yells out, "I am home honey! Where are you at?" 

No one answer her. Therefore, she walks through the living room to the kitchen where the music was playing, but no one was there. She placed both bags on the kitchen table, then she walks out of the kitchen onto the back porch and there was her husband setting in a chair cleaning fish. 

Cathy walks over to where Archie was setting as he cleaned the fish someone mush have giving them while she was gone to the doctor's office and to the grocery store. She did not get too close to where he was setting. "Archie I just got home from the grocery store. I could not get the food you told me to get, because they were out, so I brought some pork chops, bag of potatoes, a loaf of bread and a can of coffee for supper for tonight. I hope that is all right for supper tonight. That does sound good doesn't it? I have been wanting, that pork chops the last couple of days. I will just in there and start cooking while you are cleaning the fish. That is all right with you isn't it, honey?" 

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